音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ Winter Solstice Trivia

Today is winter solstice, the shortest daylight in north hemisphere, I woke earlier than usual for have longer daylight. Yesterday night I felt very, very sleepy. Why? Although I feel sleepy each night, yesterday I felt strongly. And I felt hungry this morning before I got up. Well, what did I do that made me so tired yesterday? Surely, I didn’t go to playing out, no sporting, no shopping, even no walking. I think I can use only one phrase to summarize what I did: English studying. Since there were more details about it, I would write a timeline here.
6:50, my alarm clock worked, and I answered. I was still sleepy;
7:10, the alarm worked again (for I set), and I answered again, opened my mp3 player, listened to Yuki Kajiura and Yui Makino’s “synchronicity” for 7-8 times;
8:13, finally I got up, and then I felt not sleepy.
8:40, started to remember some English words, with listening to “circus”;
11:00, linked to ScienceOnline, got many PDF files that I think interesting;
12:00, filtered away some not-so-interesting and un-useful files;
13:00, continued to read Science from where my last bookmark was put (I was so slowly that I even not ended last issue);
15:45, wrote my last experiment report, copied our group’s HPLC result paper, did more than 60 little Rf-calculations, which got from TLC. And that took me till 17:25;
18:10, wanted to back to Science, but since I found my head became a logjam—I couldn’t transfer all the English words into a meaningful sentences, so I gave up;
18:30, break time. I listened to “Ar tonelico Hymmnos Concert Hoshi Yomi/Tsuki Kanade,” with booklet reading, and I got a wonderful feeling;
20:10, reading new blog posts on Google Reader. I assure I also did something else, but I can’t remind them; >_<
21:20, enjoy my favorite TV series CSI:LV season 4. During watch, I fell asleep sometimes, so I missed some importing scenes;
22:40, shut down my PC, tried to write some pieces of words for my novel, still listening to “synchronicity,” and still sleepy…
Oh, my goodness! When I opened looked the clock with my clear mind again, it had past 1 am. Tomorrow (or say, today) has the shortest daylight, maybe I should get up earlier for stay longer in such a day. Ok, however, good night… zzz…
I maybe surely put too much English stuff in my mind. And after I joined into My Opera, I got more happy experiences on English study. That’s good, but at the end of this year, I want to find some un-English-associated things. I could write summary of this year, and could draw my unfinished pictures, and could design a new blog template.
Well, that’s really a trivia in this post.
6:50, アラームが鳴って、私は押した、
7:10, アラームがもう一度鳴って(私はそうセットした)、私は押して、mp3プレイヤを開けて、梶浦由記と牧野由依の「synchronicity」を7、8度も聴いた、
8:13, やっと私は起きた。私はもう眠くなくなった、
8:40, 英語単語を暗誦し始めた、circusを聴きながら、
11:00, ScienceOnlineにリンクして、気に入るPDFをダウンロードした、
12:00, 幾つの無用らしいPDFを消去した、
13:00, Scienceを読み続いた(私は遅すぎるから)、
15:45, 実験レポートを書き、HPLCの結果をコピー、TLCからのRfの計算を60つもした。これはかなり時間をかかるので全てが終わった時は17:25だった、
18:10, Scienceを読み続きたくても、自分の頭にはジャムのようなメチャゴチャになってしまった。一つ一つの英語は私にはもう意味的なものへと転換できなくて諦めた、
18:30, 休み時間。「Ar tonelico Hymmnos Concert 星詠み/月奏」を聴くと共に、ブックレットを読んだ、
20:10, Google Readerで更新されたブログを読んだ。そして私はきっとほかの何かをしたけれど、思い出せない、>_<
21:20, 大好きなCSI:LV season 4を見始めた。でも、この間、私は何度も眠るところになって、重要なシーンを見失った、
22:40, パソコンを消した。また「synchronicity」を聴きながら、眠くて、少しだけでも、自分の小説を書きたかった、
私は頭に多すぎる英語を置くに間違いない。My Operaにサインしてからと言うもの、私は英語勉強をより楽しくできた。幸いだね。でもせめて、今年の終わりに、私は少し英語非関連ことをしたいんだ。例えば、年末記念文やら、未完成な絵やら、新しいブログテンプレートやら、たくさんあるのね!