音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ Love Me, Love My Opera

One day at one of my English courses, the professor ordered each one for a writing passage, on the topic of “Thanksgiving.” I’ve no idea what I wrote then, but now, if there’s another chance to show my writing to my ex-professor again, I’ll type out one immediately, for a place where I haunt very frequently and happily. Here it is, you must have known, My Opera.
Although I’ve been using Opera’s service, both blog and browser, for more than 2 years, the first inspiration for such a writing emerged out a week ago. My Opera upgraded again, and that “we’ve upgraded the storage to 1GB, and we want to see more of your posts, photos, and files” got me warmed up.
Before I came to stay at My Opera, I only learned from one of my computer teacher that Opera is a web browser better than any others. I tried and seriously agreed and accepted it as my default web tool. Later, one day, from Blogger’s recommendation of some good online album services, I was directed to My Opera Community (Picasa not launched at that time, of course).
I have many blog accounts, some of them give me 2GB or more storage space, but none has ever pulled me into such a nice mood. I registered My Opera on August 6, 2006. At that time, I was a complete novice on blogging, template design, and online communication. Soon, after a few posts, I found my way. I came here because I wanted to make friends from the entire world; I started to write in English from November 25, 2006, and that indeed made a good job. From these friends, I also learned to work out my own CSS, which I knew nothing before.
Step by step, I witnessed and experienced so much exciting upgrading: feature of statue, wider templates, feature of chatting, beautiful new designs, visitor tracing, recent activities, etc. To be honest, I’m not the type of easy-accepting, sometimes, I’m even afraid of new modifications. However, My Opera never made me uncomfortable – I was indeed invigorated.
I like to try and compare different blog services. After my many times of self-experiments, I cling to a few services: My Opera, Blogger, and Live Space. Among these, My Opera is the best. I usually is fumed for some limitations from the rest: I can’t write as many as I want for my self-introduction, I can’t create a nice-looking photo album, I can’t modify the original template code, I have to be patient for a temporary tech-failure…
Fast, safe, free, friendly, beautiful, easy-using… Undoubtedly, My Opera is far above. I don’t why, nevertheless, I can’t spot My Opera at so many comparisons among good blog services. But, well, it’s ok. We happy Opera guys have our own immense felicity here, no?