音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ ramune

I tried my first bottle of ramune today.
I found it in a Korean/Japanese food shop. There were three kinds: melon, watermelon, and strawberry. I took the strawberry one without hesitation. Hmm, you know why, don’t you?
Since the moment I found that, the song “piano” by FictionJunction YUUKA was haunting around my mind all the time.
It took me a bit time to figure out how to open it. (The fact was: I ignored to read the instruction on the seal, and finally realized that after getting my fingers hurt, orz.)
The taste was good. I love strawberry favour anyways. But after a happy drinking, I was in trouble of how to take the marble out. The simplest way should be to break the bottle, but I really didn’t want to do so.
So, I went to wikipedia. It says that recent ramune bottles have plastic caps. You may turn the cap clockwise and the marble can be taken out. However, it just seemed that my hands had no enough strength to open it, and even with the help of a spoon, fork, knife, scissors, wrench, the plastic cap just stuck on the glass and didn’t fall off. At last, chinks went upon the glass after a firm holding of the wrench.
Seemed I broke the bottle already, huh…?
Fine, there was nothing more difficult than what happened in that case.
I warped the bottle in a piece of cloth, then gave the thing a gentle-yet-strong hit.
The bottle, as what you can imagine, was broken.
I didn’t keep the bottle, but at least, I got my trophy, a ramune-marble.