音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ Fake Petits Fours

Everyone has the first time to do something. Now, let's see what happened during my first time to bake a cake.
I always wanted to try baking cakes; after my final, I found a recipe for making petits fours online randomly. Why petits fours? I've no idea too. Because "petits fours" was the first thing floated up in my mind. I guess, it's must because Akiko Shikata's music box album… hmm, who knows?
Anyways, as that recipe, I collected everything needed, and followed the instruction. However, I was a bit surprised by the "1 cup of sugar" – that's really a lot! Using the mixer was also interesting – that was my first time to use a mixer either, by the way. I didn't know that one would make so much noise. As the instruction, I made a bowl of thick mixture of egg white, sugar, flour, shortening, butter, vanilla exact, and milk. That smelled so nice – OMG!!
When I poured the mixture into the baking pan, the problem was out. The mixture was way too sticky, and thus, it's hard to get all of them into the pan at one time. I'd got to use a spoon to get the rest off from the bowl. This would be the reason for why the surface of my final baking stuff wasn't that flat. Also, later, when I cleaned my measure tools, I suddenly realized, I added too much vanilla extract! Only one teaspoon (tsp) was needed, yet I misread it and added one tablespoon (tbsp) of vanilla exact into my mixture. So, my cake was tooooooooo sweet, although totally that was not bad. x_x
The cake itself was not like the ones of the food mart. Mine tasted like that of lacking enough mixing. Because the whole cake was not very flat, after cutting it into small pieces, I thought it's not easy to coat them with jelly. As a result, since I've already prepared some dissolved jelly, I had to put it into refrigerators for making solid jelly… likewise, it was difficult to cover the cakes with cream… so I just kept mine without any garnish; yet I tried to write on the surface, but the icing "pen" was so hard to use! XD
Although I got only some fake petits fours, it had lots of fun. I wanna try again soon!!

↑my baked fake petits fours lol