音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ 「花冷え」とか「梅雨」とか…・"Chilly Spring" or "Rainy Season"…

。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *
I'm experiencing the weirdest weather recently. Even though it's June already, the temperature is not warm at all. Well, how can I say the word "warm"? It was near zero a few days ago, and it even snowed. Anyways, I was already warned before I came to here, that weather in Calgary is extremely caprice. But, how can I express myself about the snow in those days when they are supposed to be called "rainy season (tsuyu)"…
Currently, every day is not like rainy season, which is what it should be like, and this is a part of my Canada life. Yet, it is way better to say the temperature is just like "chilly spring (hanabie)"… but, can you imagine a chilly spring in June?
Really amazing.
I was thinking since the last week when it started to rain a lot – so that was possible to enjoy the time of rainy season in Calgary. But when I walked in the rain, and when the wind blew toward me; "wow, it's still cold," and I was like "hmm, so it's really not possible to enjoy the so-called rainy season, sure enough."
If on it could come true, that the switching of seasons can be well experienced at everywhere in the world…
But this is just my over-willful wish, you see.