音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ Sweet Honey Castellalala~

*English version was translated from the Japanese version.
I tried to bake a castella first time today. The result was pretty well. After taking lots of experience, I finally got my cake well-baked, and with a rather flat surface.
I had never eaten a castella before, but I knew this kind of cake from the song "Kasutera" by Yuki Kajiura and Saeko Chiba. Maybe this was also one of the reasons for me to bake a castella for real. Actually, I was planning to bake a German chocolate cake again. But, the buttermilk I found in the food market came with a large volume, plus I don't like to drink buttermilk, and thus I didn't buy the large package. "Well, I think I'll probably have to bake a castella instead for this week." I thought.
Wasn't this an over-random decision? ^^;
Therefore, I challenged to bake a castella in the afternoon.
This is the recipe I used: [ http://www.justhungry.com/2006/08/oyatsu_and_kasutera_castella_a.html ]. Although there were some other recipes, this one was not asking for too many materials, and it looked easy to follow.
Because I didn't bake a sponge cake successfully before, I was worrying about if I could do it well this time. Yet, following the recipe, I did the mixing work in a water bath, and surprisingly, things were mixed so fine! "Maybe I can do it well." I got confidence like this. Since the temperature was good enough, the final volume of the mixture of eggs and sugar was increasing even out of my expectation. "If it increases a bit more, it's gonna flow out from the mixing bowl!"
As far as I knew from what I searched before, it is very important to beat the eggs and get a good batter. Later, after adding honey and milk and flour, the volume didn't go down. "I can do it well this time!" – my confidence was going up.
When I done all procedures, soon before I put the pan into the oven, I suddenly remembered that I needed to wrap around the pan with wet paper towel, or my cake would have a dome shape. I finished doing it before the real baking.
Then, I mixed a tablespoon of honey with three tablespoons of water to make some grease. But seemed I added too much of water, and it was not very think… fortunately, it was just for the grease but the cake itself… ^^;
Forty minutes later, I opened the oven. Oh, my, I really did it well! The cake's surface was flat!! It was well-baked, I made it!! I was so happy!!!
I wrapped the cake with plastic wrap, and put it into a refrigerator. I only needed to wait for several hours and now I was almost done. I was really enjoying baking a cake this time~
There is just one more thing I want to say here: it has been echoing for a long time already, the lyrics of the song "Kasutera" by Yuki Kajiura and Saeko Chiba – "Amai hachimitsu kasutera (sweet honey castella)". Castellalalala~~♪

↑ my flat castella~~
ずいぶんわがままな思いなんでしょね~ ^^;

レシピはこちらです [ http://www.justhungry.com/2006/08/oyatsu_and_kasutera_castella_a.html ]。他にいくつかのレシピもあったけど、これはあんまり材料を多く欲しくなくて、焼きやすそうと思ってこれを従おうとした。