音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Golden time – leaves of words

I finally dug out the pretty Tanabata (star festival) gift from KOKIA and Masumi Itou this morning – well, I didn't dig out all of it. What I got was only the first song – but this was already enough for me. Because – this song was sung by KOKIA, you see.
The new mini-album of "Bungaku Shoujo (Literature Girl)" is entitled "KOTONOHA", which means "words" in Japanese. A beautiful title, indeed.
The song is introduced by piano, KOKIA's clean voice inserts in soon after the piano, followed by the warm and smooth strings' harmony. Drums and triangle join in later, in a slow pace and echo pleasantly. The entire song was played by the simple combination of instruments, thus made it being a good fit to the world of "Bungaku Shoujo", which is very relaxing. I can find some influence of classical music from the music, and what I imagined in my mind when I listened to it was that the gentle sunlight goes through the green leaves, the room is dipped in light golden colour, the wind is sweet, and the birds are singing outside – what a pretty scene from a summer morning. ^^
Here, I have to say that it is hard to believe the combination – KOKIA plus Masumi Itou – also worked on the song "Karma", "Fate", etc. I doubt that I would know Hikaru Nanase and Masumi Itou are actually the same person under two names if I knew nothing and just listened to some tracks by each of the names (in fact I DIDN'T know, really) Or… is it true that she has multiple personality?! (jk jk… ^^;) Each of them (them, yeah, I mean the two names she is using) has obvious style that you may recognise, but there is little similarity between the two! Comparing to Hikaru Nanase's grandeur in arrangement, Masumi Ito's style is more gentle and softer… you see what I mean?
Before, I just liked KOKIA and Masumi's music, but since this song, I think I'm going into the world of "Bungaku Shoujo". I will read the novel and listen to its drama when I have time!
I hope I will like it. Well, why not? I've already liked so much from it!