音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ Schwarze Nacht

I got a Noriko-fever recently. I got over 400 Noriko plays within 5 days. I firstly was looping "cercueil blanc~shiro no hitsugi~", and I got spurred to drawing something fitting the ambience of the song. So I began to think. I wanted to draw only two characters, one sitting on the floor, and the other sitting on a coffin (from what the title says), but what I actually drew was very different. Two characters became three, and the arrangement was changed too – because the first character I drew was not what I thought, so I put it aside and tried to draw as what I thought. Yet when I finished the new draft, that was, two characters matched my thinking, I went back to my first draft. I liked that one, and thus I wanted to also use it and had to rearrange my initial idea. About each character, at the very beginning when there were only two staying in my mind, I wanted to use Kanau and Serena. But later, I realized I was always using them!! I needed to change! I thought about Eriko and Arietta for the two, but since there were three when I finished the draft, the idea to use the three angel sisters would be good. Thus, like what you see, I re-assigned the three angels: Luminora, Arietta and Fidelian in my drawing.
Until then, they gave me a sense of using a background of stairs – okay, so I began to search for a good background. There were lots of images of stairs, but I couldn't find one that was satisfying me. Maybe I should change the background, to other objects like a harpsichord or a piano. With such a bouncing mind, I grabbed a lot of pictures from google image.
Finally I started to draw my characters with Photoshop. That progress was just like what I did for my other drawings. Here, I'll just pick up some drawbacks: I am still bad on drawing hands; Arietta's hair was a bit longer (because firstly I assigned that character to be Eriko, orz); my way of differentiate characters was mainly to change the shape of eyes, but, I know, I also need to change other places, like the face shape, yet I just couldn't do it. It's still hard for me.
However, I spent more time on finding out a good background to fit the characters. Although I'd got several pictures before, none of them could really match my actual drawing. I tried a rather wide range of backgrounds, and when I eventually got one that was kind of satisfying me, three hours had passed…
I've mentioned in yesterday's post, which was I especially looped Noriko's mini-album "Phill". When I was dealing with my drawing yesterday, it has not been like what I thought first. From the darkish and gothic ambience of "cercueil blanc", I was shifting into a new environment, with more of serenity from my feeling of "Phill". So, the final version could probably be seen as a merged sense from several Noriko songs. At last, I gave the title "Schwarze Nacht" – the same title as one Noriko song – to my drawing, and this was also a kind of merge, no? ^^;
Just a little bit of fun here before I end my post, I firstly typed "Schwartze" instead of "Schwarze", and realized my typo an hour later. Using German isn't that easy at all… orz…