音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Voices from the Future.

Ohhh, double post today! ^^;
Continue to where I stopped in last post, I am going to talk about the ORB series now. (I said I was going to play Dragon Nest, but I did not. Instead, I changed my blog template. I was thinking on changing its theme colour as well, but, since I was lazy to modify all colour codes, I modified the hue of the picture I chose for the new template, and got my new blue template! XDD)
ORBITAL MANEUVER, I have never tried this series before. I only saw information that was linked by amazon.co.jp in its related items. This series has the motif about stories of people who leave their hometown and fly to the outer space, sounds like a SF – according to the official webpage. No matter what the story is, ohhh, look at the staff! Hiroyuki Ooshima featuring the three doujin singers again!!! Im my own imagination, I did not get too much sense of his music, but I loved his "Why, or Why not" sung by Rekka Katakiri. His music gives me a unique feeling, which has much of electronic instruments yet not too similar to the flooding abuse (?) of them by some other composers. Thank God, I got this series in last month finally!

-Haruka Shimotsuki: geotaxis-

-Chata: anemotaxis-

-Rekka Katakiri: phototaxis-
↑Nice covers! Just look like the cover for a SF novel <3
In the first track of the first album, the introduction is very splendid, like a symphony. The electronic instruments used in this song give it such a perfect ambience of the vast universe. It was the first time I hear Haruka sing a full English song (so was the case of Chata). Ohhh, how fantastic her voice is!! I have never loved Haruka's voice that much! There is a specific power in all songs in this series, and I can specifically feel the intensity from the first Haruka song, "geotaxis". However, I love her second song, "Silver Lining", the most. Yet I cannot tell more of my feeling of the song. I like its ambience, calm with a bit of loneliness; also like its medium rhythm and catchy melody. I especially love the background hovering piano!The lyrics, oh yes, I have to say all the lyrics sound like extracts from a SF novel as well! Sweet! I think I have got some writing ideas…!!! I may use "geotaxis" as the opening theme song, and use "Silver Lining" as the ending theme song. Now, her third track, "カナタ/Kanata/The Other Side", can be used as an insert song (must stop my reverie immediately, lol)!! Here, Haruka finally sounds like Haruka. LOL!! This is a gentle song; it is nice but a bit too close to an average doujin song.
Volume two, featuring Chata, gives me less sense comparing with Haruka's. Chata's voice does fit the melody, but I failed to feel much enough. Maybe I have been over-impressed by Haruka's performance… orz… Volume three, featuring Rekka Katakiri, did not give me much of impression either. However, I paid extra attention to this album, because the second track of this album is called "Chisato", hey, I am using this name for my own writing story! Should I thus use this song as her theme song? :P
In all, except the two Haruka songs I extremely love, I do love the whole ORB series. I am picky on music I listen to, and this is true that I do not like some other works by bermei.inazawa or Hiroyuki Ooshima (Hiroyuki's new work featuring Noriko Mitose did not fell into my favored range, I personally think Noriko's voice does not fit his composing melody, -__-|| ), but the two series, ACI and ORB, are really awesome. Being a doujin music lover, you cannot miss it!!
-bonus image-
My addiction to the two Haruka songs mentioned above~ =w=

Image got from my last.fm page :3