音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ RNA Maze + Recent Trivia

I was hiding from my gtalk for all weekdays during this week, because I needed concentration – for my current project, which is to find out tetraloop interactions as much as possible.
The basic procedure of my project is simple: go through the database, filter all possible RNA tertiary structures, and look for tetraloop interactions (don't ask me what it is, ask wikipedia for it!). For small RNA molecules, it's very easy to say if the tertiary structure contains such a interaction. But, the hardest part is those large RNA molecules. The larger it is, the harder to check the structure – especially the software I use, which is DeepView, does not work perfectly with RNA structures.

First, you open the (large) RNA file;

Second, you look for the loop you want to check;

Last, you hide other regions and see if it is a tetraloop interaction (in this case, it is not :P).
You see, it's easy, yet it can make you dizzy enough. Maybe I should ask my boss for a new pair of glasses! lol
I've said in last post, I was looping KOKIA's concert audio rips. Today, when I checked my last.fm page again, I was (not that) surprised by the record. I had been looping KOKIA's songs for a whole week! Superb, now KOKIA's play count increased for about 1000+ comparing with that before week. KOKIA, you're really, really my favorite artist! <3
I also got some random snaps after a pretty long while.

A big fatty hare! XDD
Finally, some newest screen shots from my DN life.
No. 1, Heaven's Judgement

You know (I hope), my priest on DN got his ultimate lv40 skill, Heaven's judgement. I really like this skill, so cool, plus Daisuke Namikawa's voice~~ Kyaa~ I'm dying~~ xDD
No. 2, Critical attack

Though my priest has only 2000+ magic attack, he could get "critical" high damage. Here, it's over 20k!
No. 3 Erase
Recently, the game got some skill attributes changed, so the company gave everyone a chance to reset our skills. By chance, I earned two chances, so I would like my force user to try another ultimate lv40 skill: erase.
It's beautiful, but I still love meteor storm. :P