音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❅ Survived, finally

I was planning to write this post yesterday, but I was too lazy tired to write anything. Too many things are to be written, but here in this post, I'll only write about the daily life of this week.
My boss said in last week's lab meeting: "and that will be a busy day, hope we can survive."
Actually, there was a lab from neighbour city would visit us on Monday, and in the afternoon, from my and their labs, two members would give a talk on a semi-remotely connected seminar. We were also going to have lunch together before the seminar, which was at 2. Yet, they may arrive at noon because that day was also a day to vote. Moreover, on Monday, one post-doc and two summer students were coming to my lab (my boss emailed me and wanted me to go to lab at 9, orz). So, new comers' arriving, a lab's visiting, seminar... who can't say that's not a busy day?
When the day came, everything was just like usual. It was not too bad, because I was not that late when I arrived at my lab (20 past 9 -_-). Nothing trouble happened on introducing the lab to our new people. My boss first had a long talk to the post-doc, then near noon, he wanted to talk to the new summer students. But how come he also wanted me to be there?! Though my current project is sorta involved in their project, is it necessary to let me listen to my boss's "basic biology lecture" that was begin from "what DNA is"? OTL
Anyway, just 10 minutes after his talk, the neighbour city lab came. So we were heading to the restaurant. Then, it was near 12 already. On the way, one of my lab members mentioned about the two summer students. "The two computer kids are really look like computer kids."
"Why look like?" I asked curiously.
"Well, as I know, all summer computer students were quiet. Like..." then he listed all summers he knew, and said how quiet they were.
At that point, he was right. The two summers were really quiet. That quietness while staying with them was not the same as staying in the room alone; you know someone else is here, but it's even quieter than only you being there. xDD
The seminar... like the presenter said, was cursed. In fact, she was supposed to talk in March, but the talk was delayed to this Monday, and was delayed again. Since this is a semi-remotely connected seminar, speakers from remote sites may not present due to this or that technical issues. Before the talk, our speaker tested the connection and it was fine. But when it was her turn to talk, everything was not working, and even the technician didn't know why. Firstly, we just wanted to fix this problem and let other speakers to talk ahead. Yet until the last one finished his talk, the problem was still here.
"Are you frustrated for being coming with us?" they asked the other speaker, who was coming from the neighbour city and was going to present on that seminar as well.
"Well, a little bit, but I did enjoy the lunch."
"However, we can present to each other."
Their boss' suggestion was the beginning of another nightmare... xDD;;
After our talking-to-each-other, it was 15 past 5... gosh, I was so sleepy (because I was trying to come to lab at 9 this morning... :P). According to my boss' plan, we wanted to go with everyone to a bar. Oh, no, I don't want that! You guys' busy day ended, but not mine! I was supposed to give a lab meeting to talk about a scientific paper, and I haven't looked at that! Go home, go home. Before I thought up a good excuse, another one in my lab already said he was going home. Good, at least I'm not the only one who don't want to go. xD
I don't know how everything went later. The busy Monday ended, yet it's not that terrible as what I thought. Hope in this month, everything can go well too.
- bonus talk-
Since last Thursday, there was a terrible odor lingering in biological science building. At first, I didn't know what that was and thought someone broken a bottle with some terribly smelt chemical. But at noon, I heard from others, that they found a dead rabbit in a vent of this building and this was the resource of the bad smell. Oh, how come a rabbit can go into the vent? Stupid rabbit, which was the comment from my lab. My boss, who is not a humor person, also said "horrible rabbit" during that day's lab meeting.
Although my boss isn't that humor, his thought was sometimes very funny. "At first, I even thought that was ... cheese." he said. ¬_¬
If so, how expensive cheese that would be! xDD