音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ 黒ネコのタンゴ・Black Cat's Tango

The original idea was from Noriko Mitose's cover album "Cotton -2nd-", the song called "Kuroneko no Tango". Although it's a world-famous (?) song, I had never listened to it until Noriko's cover... =_= Anyway, I loved this cute song. The melody is so vivace and catchy. Then I also tried the original version (don't like it so much, I love Noriko's version! lol)
Then, as you might have expected, I got the inspiration to draw for the song. To draw what? Of course that's the time for neko-mimi~ oh, gosh, I'm MOEd! XDD
Since the theme is about tango, I think I'm supposed that's what I need to draw. However, from online search, I've known that tango is sexy... (before, all about tango is the rhythm.. =/ ). Oh, no, how I can I draw my girls to be sexy? o_O Never, it's impossible to me!! Is there a cuter way to depict the theme?
I didn't know, so I did another search for tango videos, hoping to get some good moment as a model. As a result... I ended up with a kind of fine thought (and that's what you see here, though I think people may not think that's tango, actually xD;).
Anyway, whether it's tango is not important. I want to mention, I tried to change their hairstyle this time, to make them more into a "dancing" mood. But, in this work, I've seen that I still need to improve my skill, to make my characters not to be so still. Hmm, seems it's hard, since I've tried for quite a long while... but I do like the colour matching between black and red! xD
A small P.S. I used 5 pieces of A4 paper for drafting, and thus shortened my pencil for about 0.5 centimeter... lol
Moreover, a surprising I got from it. While searching for a good tango video, I found a pretty "interesting" music video called "tango", by a band called "negative". At first, before the singer starts to sing, I thought it's another tango show, but since she sings, I was completely attracted by the song, as well as the scene in this video. Pretty gothic! No? And... the red rose petals! What an excellent video!!♥
hmmm, I'm getting off-topic now... must end this post here! lol