音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ NatsuKomi2012

It's probably the first time I make a post specifically for Natsu-Komi--Yet there are so many new releases that I'm looking forward so I have to make one!!

Bassy+Annabel: ワールド・ワイド・ボクシステム
I couldn't hold back from the samples, thus I also got attracted. Annabel's voice is even sexier than all previous works! I bet I'll love this release, and I might love bassy more from now on? :P

MANYO+やなぎなぎ: Tachyon
Nagi's new release. This time, MANYO+Nagi. A complete different aura from this one comparing with MANYO+Annabel. Maybe like Europa, and why I think this one sounds better than the one by Key+Nagi? xDD
Currently, I loved the second track.

V.A.: 隻眼のエデン 3rd season 真実のウトナピシュテム
To be honest, I never ever tried to see the story behind this series. To me, this series is extremely bipolarized, that I only love songs that my favorite singers were involved--I don't have any prejudice, I did try to replay all songs over several times and that's my final conclusion.
Anyway, this time, the most shinning star is "TSUKUYOMI SYSTEM -nanna-". So all three "system" songs have Noriko. You such a great chanter! *_*

霜月はるか: 蝶ノ在リ処
I've mentioned it before, but for keeping this post complete, I'll get this here again.
Haruka's Butterfly series that I only care about jacket arts! xD

V.A.: カニッツァの花迷宮

V.A.: 酣歌 vol.2
No too much love for this two so far, but they're here because of Annabel. It may just be my obligation to collect all Anna-related works. :3
A small complaint:

Is it so hard to give your own HP a name? Anna-neechan!! xD
So, after the list of future music, time to go through released works quickly!

伊藤真澄 - ユメのなかノわたしのユメ
Flourish. The only word I would like to use here. Not looking at its jacket art, I would rather give the songs "thick orange" as the main image color. ^^;
A little P.S.: I'm considering using another simple image as my blog background, similar like last two drawings I made. I'll see soon!