音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✽ twin's duologue

So, continue from yesterday.
I know I can't let myself being darker anymore, and it's actually the best enjoyment to "look at yourself turning dark"!!
Seems I'm not turned to white yet, huh...
To try stain myself white again, I have completely stopped playing toxic doujin dark music and switched to those with brighter aura.
Of course, binaria was included.
However, being with binaria, which will always bring me a feeling of nostalgia for their old releases. Their activity is rather less comparing with a few years ago. (They haven't even added "bottle" under their "music" tab, orz) Here I'm not considering their contributation in "fantamusica" at all. Why they didn't just perform the two songs themselves instead? There is nothing good for Ms.Ikezawa (and who is this?) singing them! (つд⊂)
Anyway, by chance or something? I just visited their website this morning, then see what I saw on top:

New banner, finally!
which means...
I was a bit worried when I first saw it's about an event--binaria under the starry autumn sky--I know I'm never able to attend. NOOO, even binaria is turning me dark!! XDD
At least the last section looks really exciting.
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Audition for new release "twin's duologue"
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It will be released with this year's autumn M3-xx (and xx=?), according to Annalog.
Look at the title, twin's duologue.
How fantastic! Enough to remind me that equation: abstract yuri = bel x nagi
So, the final conclusion is, I will be turned to white with this new release? which means I can be as much dark as I want before that? lol
which also means my next blog background will be starry sky again?! But this time I gonna tune it to pink! :3
--and binaria-limited negative ion will then balance everything.