音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Maeda Virus Recurring?! Want a shot??

First, let's bow to Maeda Jun the Archdevil! m(_ _)m
Don't ask for why, just go trying this:

Seems a limited disc specifically for a VA event in this summer. More detailed, July 29.
Cover image pretty!! (*´▽`*)
Nagisa, Misuzu, Ayu, and... who's the last one? (?_?;)
And why our Kanade isn't here??? I know because she isn't from a virtual game. Yet still... (ノД`)
  1. 幸せになる番 - Lia / 多田葵 / Rita / 茶太
  2. CANOE ~Nocturnal Waltz Remix Version~ - 多田葵
Although I don't mind multiple singers' collaboration, these four don't have a perfect match. I do admit I belong to Lia-fandom, but to be honest, her voice is the most stable one among all, and thus resulting a big difference when comparing with others. - -; If that's Lia herself performing this song, I will be hundreds of times happier.
Anyways, the melody and arrangement are great.
Second song is a remix of ED theme song of Little Busters!. I apparently didn't know this song before. It's another story-song (haven't read the lyrics though), and is just very Maeda-styled, which means it sounds abnormally hard to sing. Maybe since this song, I gotta love Tada Aoi! @w@
And again, can we someday have Key+Annabel? (´・ω・`)
Then from some others' posts, the last unknown girl is Komari from "Little Busters!" Hmmm, should I watch this anime as well? But from previous experience. I shouldn't. I mean I don't like CLANNAD that much. Btw, here maybe I should state, I love key-label music as long as my favorite artists are in, but about related games/animes--of course I never tried any of the games--KANON Kyoto Version is my No.1, following Air. CLANNAD story is kind of "crazy" (or illogic). So I'm not expecting too much from Little Busters! so far.
Yet I need to add, Angel Beats! is probably the No.1 if including non-games.
Wanna have a shot? (<ゝω・)☆

Even I'm playing Dragon Nest much less now, I do love loli class in that game! So I took half of my Saturday to get a portrait of my most beloved character. xD
Academic → Alchemist → Physician. A 2nd job focused on using of poison/toxin or using an injector to extract enemies' HP and then to heal ally. So here I shrank the huge injector and turned it to normal size. But who knows, maybe it's H173 inside! -- Therefore, I chose biohazard symbol for the background magic circle, surrounded by other elememtal attakcing symbols.
Originally, I wanted to use a pair of scales--with chemical powders--but I finally switched to the alchemist mascot: slime. Faceless=boring, huh? Then what about turn it to our "adorable" Kyubey? Also, for the dress, I just simply modified the prize No.1 from last avatar design contest. And I love red! =w=
However, I can't change my drawing style -- and don't you think she looks like Tomoyo from Card Captor Sakura? XD