音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ Ten Days

Right, not Seven Days!
Ten days until I tell myself whether or not I'll get Krut Hymneth.
I have none of the 6 hymmnos concerts, so it's not a bad idea to get them altogether. But I was still a little bit hesitating. I'm that type who isn't willing to pay a large amount at one time, and would rather like to split buying what I want little by little (as long as it's doable). orz
The point is, I really know that 6CD = $35 each * 6 = 210, whereas the box costs 180 with not only the 6CDs. (and "KOKIA+Akiko" side isn't even found on that site! *dies*) Anyhow, I guess over 80% I will get it -- for getting this box, I spent no extra money since December at all~~
Alongside the price, another reason that made me hesitate was about shipment. I found no other place that offer cheap shipment, plus this item may quite large comparing to regular single CDs -- I don't really know the size since it doesn't only include the 6CDs -- the online shop would charge (much) more. Also, I found nowhere but amazon.co.jp has it, which was kind of disappointing (I do wonder how they would charge for shipment of this box).
Things are always changing. Right before I made my decision, I saw the box appearing on YesAsia site.
I never ever expected to see they have this item, since this box was announced long ago back to last October. They are always very quick on updating new releases (I remember I saw Masumi's "Wonder Wonderful" fairly early). Thus basically, if they don't have an item on their site, that means they won't sell it at all. Think about Noriko's "vierge automatique", they still don't have it now...
Well, I don't know how they sell and what kind of stuff will be sold on their site, I'm just happy I wasn't that impatient to preorder this box in last October on amazon. :3
At last, what about "ten days"? Of course, you always need something to stimulate yourself when you make plans (especially when it's not easy). So this time, Krut Hymneth will be my Goddess of Victory. If I can finish writing up the first version, which is also the most time consuming version, I'll definitely buy myself that attractive box set even from amazon.co.jp!
--10 days left.
Seems this semester will be super crammed. What if I don't finish on time? Right now I'm not thinking in that direction. Just tell myself that I can do it! Believe the power of love! XDD
and the fantastic bonus on my way home:

From my phone, the sky turned like to be a clear purple, but it was supposed to be pinky orange! I do know sometimes my phone turns the scenes into another hue, and I don't like that very much, but this time, I really like the final purple, which reminds me binaria's "leightonite"~ =w=