音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♤ Brief break for my first script

Like the title says, this post is specially for my first script (although it's not really a script):
cd D:\mysql\v5_6_10\bin\
START mysqld
mysql -u root
But even this tiny guy took 1 hour from me, including reading stuff about what a batch file is and find out a good reference. The first "script" I ever made (with the assistance of another person who added the lovely "START" where I underlined), not for completing a course assignment or trying a self-learning example, solely from my own need, to take something into real application. So, I feel satisfied. Even it's NOT what I'm supposed to do. ~_~
Since I'm pleased, I'll still post the very start of the newborn plan, and hope I can come back to update this in May:

↑drwan & text written by me using photoshop cs2 9.0.
Why Sharky? Because I got a shark from my friend today only after saying that's cute! xD