音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ Akiko-san Onegaishimasu!

Follow these simple steps and get one of your wishes granted.
1. make sure there are at least two of you.
2. you cut a paper into butterfly-shape.
3. ask all people around to hold that piece of paper-butterfly.
4. everyone repeats in heart "Please grant our wishes, Akiko-san~"; the time of repeat is the same as the number of participating people.
5. all people tear the butterfly into pieces altogether.
6. then all of you will be brought to the mansion of Beatrice Akiko Shikata; you will find her and ask her to grant your wishes.
7. if she admits to do so, that's the best case. if not, you have to at least find a way to make her willing to let you back.
8a. if she doesn't want you go, or there is only one left of all people, well, game over.
8b. if there are at least two of you make your way, place the butterfly-pieces togather, and everyone repeats that phrase again. but now, the time of repeat is the number of participating people plus one.
9. you're where you start. congrants, you've made your life from Akiko's mansion, with or without one of your wishes granted.
10. not satisfied? want more wishes being granted? then go back to step 1...
Akiko's VII is just magic (, of course, all her Umineko songs are)! It took me over 8 hours to turn my "pulse of colour harmony" (a.k.a. drawing...) into shape yesterday, and this morning, being completely in Umineko world, what I wrote above floated up in my mind.