音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ A Loosy Report of Recent

First of all, I'm happy to get rid of this pile that has resided on my desk for a long while!
↓ You don't need to know what it is though.
Second, bad news, my customised smileys are not working here anymore. I don't even know when it happened -- haven't used any smiley recently at all.
Guess either to get another hack, or fully rely on text emoji.
Well, I don't mind the latter. Emoji is amazing.
Then, go back to the No.1 motif of my own blog,
which is music, you know. (・ω・`)

Nagi - Euaru
Unlike binaria or Annabel, I never followed her that tightly. Actually, her recently singles didn't make any impression on me. But for albums, maybe the songs are all from different singles/other sources, so it worths to keep this one.
Anyhow, her "Ambivalentidea" is the best no matter what.
The second disc is a cover collection. I didn't know it before read the booklet. I was just surprised to see some familiar titles and thought at first she had songs under the same titles -- until I saw tr.4.
Songs I know are tr.1/2/3/5 only. Among these, Nagi's voice fits "1/2" so well! In fact, I didn't know where it was from and just felt I ever heard that song long time ago. Yet, I myself prefer Kana's original version of tr.3. Nagi's version sounds a little "hard".

Masumi Ito/Annabel/myu/Saori - Red Data Girl music series
Well, the drawing style is different~
Except the two listed above, Annabel had its OP (or ED?) song, and Masumi+myu did its original soundtracks.
Which triggered my interest in this anime.
And so far to me, the Inspired Album is the best.
By the way, Nagi's cover triggered my interest in Bakemonogatari. ( ´∀`)

eufonius - S/N + Annabel - ombre
Why am I listing these two together?
--bermei.inazawa is involved in both.
That awesome noise effect is back, and this world should definitely know bermei.inazawa more! °w°

Asami Imai - Hoshikuzu no Ring
The only reason I bring this release here (the music is good though) is...
Corpse Party is gonna release a new OVA series starting in this summer.
Its official webpage says it's the after story of the main game (the last chapter of Book of Shadows). I did watch the end of BS, and already got well spoiled about its ploit from wikipedia, so,
--But I'm not link any image of this anime, or this peaceful music related post will be ruined! :3
And that's the end of new releases. There are actually more new releases I might bring here, but I don't want to just list them without any comment.
Also, I revised a script that can scan my music folder, read album info and push them into my music memo html page. All done semi-automatically, so I don't have to worry about any change in my current library. Perl is really magic ← That's why I call my script folder "alchemy". ^^;
And now I feel like being a magic girl☆
At last, it's already over 10 hours plus 28 saves for Silent Hill 2, and I don't know when it's gonna end. Well, partially because this time I'm not spoiled from any source, and I enjoy this game so much.
Currently, I got stuck again at an unknown place. I somehow feel that's toward the end. It's also a bit weird. For both SH and SH3, there are several boss fights at the end of each scene, but in SH2, there hasn't been any boss fight at all yet -- although our lovely Mr. Pyramid Head who shows up randomly (?) makes me super nervous -- much more nervous than a boss fight!
I'll probably have a full "random talk" post for SH2, but only when I finish the game, for both Mr. Pyramid Head and my zero sense of direction... lol