音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ A Maiden's Romance, Trance or Funk?♪

"Even though it's a lie, don't tell the truth. Sometimes, forget the reality, and enjoy the world of imagination."
-- And today I'm still in dark mode. :papasmurf:
Light rain, misty sight, scent of flowers, transparent umbrella, and a white bunny in tuxedo and top hat. KOKIA's "liar liar ~ロマンティックワルツ (romantic waltz)" is one of my falling-in-love-within-one-second songs that triggered me two pieces of drawing in this April. In last afternoon, I finally finished one of them after spending around 7 hours.
But I had trouble with giving it a final name, so I ended up combining the background misty ambience and the song of inspiration -> Misty Romance. Think again, maybe replace Romance with Secret is better.
--And the reason of using "secret" is a secret! :tongue:
Her transformation tool is the glasses! :cool:
I wanted to write about it before, that I feel like it's nothing but nuts to put music into detailed genres. Like a few weeks ago, when I was trying some I've sound music, the wrote "Low Trance Assembly" on the CD jacket at the position supposed to be genre. Alright, I'll assume the I've style is the so-called "trance" (although I've never been droven into trance status by this type of music). But I can't have a clearer picture of what exactly trance music is even after reading wikipedia in three languages. :rolleyes:
Then I asked a friend who listens to trance a lot. He said the I've trance is SO DIFFERENT from most trance music he listens to. Not surprising but interesting enough. After J-pop, J-rock, shall I call I've music J-trance? :left:
Anyway, what got my focus was that there is something (I don't know what that is exactly) repeating in trance. But as what I've read before, there is also something repeating in funk music.
So, trance =~ funk? :bigeyes:
I know they are different! But don't break my illusion!! -ω-