音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ A So-Late C84 Wishlist (Plus Edition)

Seems everyone is talking about C84, so am I, but a bit late this time.
↓ I know my wishlist is always full of my Top 4 (I really don't have a clear order, I love them all equally).
★753(=霜月はるか/日山尚/MANYO) - canoueII~最果ての塔~

Haruka's canoue circle's newest work. Her fantastic style is always my favorite and no doubt this one will be superb. I'm so excited seeing she composed two new songs--I love her style and thus Manyo's works accordingly got less priority. Another I want to mention is their works are always like old tales but never written, triggering me into my endless fantasy (or illusion?!).
★志方あきこ - 歯車館のエルデ

Akiko orgel arrangements are back~! yet it's not found online for free yet. It's a pleasant thing to visit Akiko's website (although not that up-to-date) and enjoy her colourful and delicate banners lining together. If you think only the orgel is not enough, jump to the later section. ( ̄ー ̄)♪
I now have only gone through its tracklist, every one is like a poem -- no, like a fairytale (well, in case of Akiko, it's not rare. xD). Abour the last word of the title, Erude. Probably it's the german word Erde according to google search. So can I expect a german styled Akiko orgel performance for C84? But no matter what, don't spoil me until I finish my own fantasy toward it. :3
★Annabel - caracol

Annabel's self produced 1st album. Looking at the credit, it's a mixture of various composers, but since I'm so used to Annabel+myu's sexy combination that it's very hard for me to accept all of them, I have completely no idea how it will be. Well, I'll see... hope someone share it soon!
-- Why this cover art looks like a little bit Dalí? xD
C84: Should at least have a try
感傷ベクトル - pianismic3
Since their previous work starring Annabel, I started to pay attention to that unit(band?). Shouichi's voice is very nice (that's all I can say. I don't listen to that many of songs by male singers ^^;). I also plan to read the web comic sometime 'cause this kind of work may require additional context. :3 Moreover, actually it was Annabel's caracol's credit list directed me here. She has a song "Call Me", and here, it's the songwriter's self-cover -- it's always fun to try different versions like this~ (Annabel and Shouichi's voices match perfectly. ☆彡)
☆Kanade.org - 子どもたちは時待つ花の夢をみるか

How I reached here was because I checked bermei.inazawa's site and there is Haruka+inazawa this time. . . But since I haven't heard a single note from this work, I'll simply stop and transfer to the next item.
It will be good because inazawa's introvert+noisy style is good.
Finally, not from C84, but what's this? °_°
New Discoveries
---- One thing I need to clarify in the beginning is that it was really inazawa's blog got me here.
thinking about all works I asked Haruka to sing...
like committing a jumping-off suicide, or with strong ethnic ambience, from an abused child to an exhausted OL getting wasted...
maybe they're all like that.

strong ethnic ambience = ACI
a wasted OL = kanka 2
-- Ehh? So what about "suicide" song and the abused child song???
Such descriptions can attract me easily (*yandere mode*), and thus I was linked to this album.


I myself won't be attracted by solely looking at its cover art! (I mean this kind of cover can't remind me my favorite melodies.)
Yet after having it a try, I'm in love of this album.
Briefly, this album can be summerised as "inazawa's unique interpretation of 9 familiar songs", and the "suicide" song is tr.7 "翼をください / Tsubasa wo Kudasai".
There should be lots of versions of this song--so famous that I'm bored with it. But bermei's arrangement...
My frank words, this version makes me hyper!! (*yandere mode* x 1000).
Although there are a few arrangers can make great noise effect, you must admit that only bermei can perform noise that rhythmically and beautifully. His type of percussion and noise usage is easy to recognise. The combination of harmonic notes and noise, his music is like an old film in sepia hue and with intensive grain, like a tranquil storm and characteristic like Akiyuki Shinbou. The beginning 20 seconds are okay, you don't feel anything bizarre yet. However, when the familiar melody is sung by Haruka with a rather dry, unstable, vain and spacey tone, his unique field is thus fully developed, the warm and gentle feeling of the song's original image is distorted completely. In addition to the superb editing, he himself even performed thefunny impressive background voice. From left to right, from low to high, these voices drift around and are everywhere (like this or that thought jumping out of your mind, or like the wind around your ears when you're falling down).
Bless me with wings, and then,
-- (silence).
But you're wrong, the song isn't ended here. The rest part returned to a rather normal and cheerful mood, isn't it what happens after s/he reaches the ground...?!
I'm not good at describing the overwhelming images in my mind, refer to "Kara no Kyoukai -- Fukan Fuukei".
About the "abused child" song, that's good but not impressive. Conclusion: to make distorted covers of famous songs will gain much.
Seems I've wrote too much, so I'll go to next section:
Past Release
I'm never planning to link all new releases (although I do want).
☆Annabel - Alternative

The A-side song is beautiful too. But I don't like the B-side song. Since here again, we are meeting the Annabel+myu combination, I want the dark and introvert aura and I'm not expecting any "delightful and bright" melody. Now, let me go back to "Alternative". The features of myu's arrangement is probably the "smooth" flow of strings (especially the low-middle range). There is no much of violin/cello solo, and thus makes the music sensitive and delicate. In addition, her use of percussion is unique too. Not like most other arrangers who tend to keep the beat (or some term like that) unchanged, she knows how to make gradient of percussion beats, and to me, this is perhaps a key reason I describe Annabel+myu's dark songs as "sexy". (・ω・)
Also, DON'T MISS ITS PV. Not only the music, Annabel is so sexy there! I'd say this PV is my current favorite Annabel PV. ♥
Future Releases
☆霜月はるか - レムルローズの魔女@2013.10.9
Haruka mentioned this project back to this April (May). Although no much more info other than the homepage address, I see Yoshitaka Hirota is there. I'm already used to Mitose+Hirota, so I'll see how Shimotsukin+Hirota this time.
P.S. they can draw the black cat chubbier! XD
☆志方あきこ - Turaida and 2013 Laylania Concert DVD@2013.10.23
Our beloved Akiko Shikata is back again in today's post!
It's definitely NOT Akiko's 4th album!! -- Well, that's how they define what is an album and what isn't. I don't care, I just know Akiko's album is absolutely loopable.
What is "Turaida"? Luckily wikipedia has it. But if you can read its official webpage, they noted the 4th album as "Turaida(神の庭)" whereas the Japanese means "The Garden of God". Is there more background stories hidden in the place of Turaida? I'd like to know more behind this title!
However, my biggest focus should be on the other item.
I can't wait, just can't wait! I'll get a real copy of course!
KOKIA will have her 15th anniversary concert DVD released in this September too. I'm not mentioning it specially because everyone knows it. (・ω・ )
So it's the time for Noriko to have a live DVD too! She is having so much fun with lives!!
☆Kalafina - アレルヤ@2013.10.2
Yes, I'm listing Kalafina! xD
I did leave them since "After Eden", and I did try "Consolation" (and deleted it after I looped it twice).
But you know, it's hard to forget your first love (not Kalafina, I'm saying Yuki) completely, isn't it?
Their "Hikari Furu" had no good to me. But when I saw the description on amazon, this will be the theme song of "Kara no Kyoukai -- Mirai Fukuin" that will be released on Sep.28. I'll be interested to have a try because I love KnK, which is also where Kalafina came from.
Don't let me down, or I'll leave for real! (>_<)
That about music releases always looks like unorganised. Now I'm gonna end up here and prepare to watch Corpse Party's newest OVA. Hope I can sleep after it (I don't want a similar experience of my first time watching Higurashi alone at midnight! lol)