音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ Drugged in Turaida

First, a bad thing, the shipment of my "Turaida" got delayed to November--even there is no shortage of it on amazon at all. (I never know how those online stores work though.)
Second, a good thing, there is always kind people (not me definitely, I buy music, but lazy and not that willing to share) who share the newest releases. Good thing always happen on Friday morning--just like two weeks ago's Haruka release! Now I have a copy of "Turaida", and like what I expected, Akiko never let me down, she's so fantastic! The music, and the CD jacket. ^^
Goddess, she could just cosplay like Kalliope or any other muse then use that as the CD jacket!
Since my last being-kiyoed at Haruka's new release for ~350 times (online, and plus another 350 if counting offline), I bet this time I may go beyond the previous degree. Even solely because Akiko is one of my Top Three~
I remember this afternoon, one labmate told me that we identified some new entries (entry = something only I myself know), and blah blah. I could know from her tone that she was excited. Then, she asked me, "Aren't you excited?"
"No, not really." I said.
--Because I'm much, much more excited by Turaida at that moment, and also right now! :3
Guess I could start here...

↓I'm not listing any old works.
1. 時に埋もれた言葉 (Words Hidden in Time)
2. Arcadia
3. 光降る場所で~Promesse~ (At Where the Light Falling)
words: Isoya Yoshie
4. アラベスク (Arabesque)
words: Isoya Yoshie
5. 化石の楽園 (Paradise of Fossils)
6. 翅亡キ花 (Flower With Broken Wings)
words: Isoya Yoshie
7. Buonanotte (Good Night)
8. ひらいてさんぜ (Blooming in Profusion) ?? I really have no idea about how to properly translate ancient Japanese @_@
9. 萼-utena- (Calyx)
words: Amano Tsuki
10. 祈りの果てのひとふりの (Turning at the End of Prayer)
words: Isoya Yoshie
11. 刻限のロンド (Rondo of the Destined Moment)
words: Isoya Yoshie
12. Leyre
Bonus CD
4. 歪 (Deformity)
5. それぞれの道へ (Toward Their Own Paths)
8. 月待ち茶話 (Moon-Waiting Tea Party)
Tr. 8 captured my heart immediately. My first link from it was "Akakakushi". Koto, or some people use Sou, is my favorite Japanese traditional instrument. I was totally heated up when its clear sound plays. That song is an excellent mixture between contemporary and traditional styles. The melody, the lyrics, and the arrangement make me so happy=>my Top 1 in Turaida.
For other songs, they are all good and I can't pick up more special favorites anymore. Similar to Haruka's release, I love the entire album. Tr. 1 and Tr. 2 are like the most typical Akiko style that you're familiar with, multiple-part chorus, "homemade" language, opening the gate to Turaida (Garden of God interpreted by Akiko). Tr. 3 is a beautiful and gentle song in Italian. It's another aspect of her style but may not show up as frequently as those in first two tracks--and it's good there is translation!
When the first I listened to the introduction of Tr. 4, I felt like I was listening to some old Kalafina! "Don't tell me the composer/arranger is Yuki!" << I really had such thoughts. But, anyhow, that's Akiko's own work. The arranging work is so well-done. I love the string parts echoing with each other.
Tr. 5 and Tr. 6 are kind of at the hash side--if you read the lyrics. Yet the ambience of them are nice. Especially looking at the booklet together. Then Tr. 7 is a soft lullaby. Without the multiple-part chorus, Akiko can do sweet songs (the harp is sweet too)! The following one, I've just talked about, and it's a cute song.
Long time ago in the period of "Harmonia", I liked the song in which Amano Tsuki wrote the lyrics. And this time, I'm happy to see this combination again. This time, the song is still so intensive and impressive. Even the booklet gives a strong constrast between the black background and scattering petals.--Are Amano Tsuki's own songs all like this? Or it especially happens when they two go together? (I'm not familiar with Amano's songs, so I don't know. ^^;)
Tr. 10 is a bright folkish song... in Turkish (I spent a fairly amount of time on matching those irregular letters!). It's a story about a girl who looks for the help from the Princess of Rain for her hometown. So in the booklet, the major part is all in golden that indicates the sorching weather, whereas on the very right side, there is a patch showing the tender blue water and the peaceful reflection of sunlight--I like happy ends.
Tr. 11 is another intensive piece but a little bit less impressive comparing to Tr. 9. To matching that page, there is a huge clock in the booklet. Finally, Tr. 12, a rather calm ending hymn converges this album to the end but written in a language I have no clue. At the same time, Tr. 12 makes a good connection to Tr. 1, so you can simply keep looping this album from the start to the end, then back to the start smoothly. Right, a perfect flow. It's convicing you also getting kiyo-ed!!
About the bonus CD, some are short versions of other released works, and some are the selected BGM tracks plus the short version of one UNRELEASED work.
Bonus Tr. 4 is the unreleased one. I basically don't listen to short versions. Bonus Tr. 4 is just as impressive as Tr. 9 from the main CD. After listening to the short version here, I more and more want that full version gets released. For the rest two new tracks, Bonus Tr. 5 is too short to comment, although it's good, and Bonus Tr. 8 is a cute one. It reminds me her "Haguruma no Erude" back to this August. Well, tea parties are supposed to be sweet and cute, aren't they?
Counting the languages--although I'm not surprising anymore when she uses any new language--I'm still kind of amazed that she used Arabic in Tr. 4. Continuing from "Harmonia", Tr. 10 has Turkish (I assume!). Then, for tracks 2 and 12, I totally have no clue what the language is. Anyone knows whether those symbols correspond to any non-homemade language? :P
I did have a tough time while typing the lyrics (because they're not available online yet). For lots of times, they gave pronunciations for words I know, but not for those I don't know!! °A° I spent lots of time looking up those words via the hand-writing-detecting feature of Google JP IME, and not unexpected, that feature can't hit to what exactly I want, so I had to write again and again and again because otherwise I don't know how to reach it.
--Akiko's lyrics is definitely NOT good for Japanese learners!
Then I have to say, I just CAN'T stop thinking that jacket looks weird. It's something like the overall arrangement of elements or the colour harmony. The contrast is sorta too sharp to me--or maybe it's because the tree and she's too REAL comparing to the way too FANTASTIC sky in background? Anyway, the booklet is prettily designed as usual. What is excellent is that all songs have their proper background/images like what I've interpolated previously. One page I didn't cover is about Tr. 8 my favorite. This page has a neat design: maple leaves, butterflies, and other patterns in a clear white background. Above all these elements, the lyrics appear on a translucent orange colour block. I'm specially saying it here because it reminds me an old blog template of mine! XD Since I got especially love for this one, I even set up the wallpaper of the lab PC I use using this one. Others will be surprised while seeing it, though I doubt much people will use it since it's on the Pepen OS.
And now I'll stop writing. Should just wait for my own copy! Meanwhile, I'm having a report due 2 weeks later; have to get it done ASAP so I won't rush at the last minute!
Ahhh, I just realised that I totally almost forget to write about that. I tagged this post as "otherworld", because of that.
It's just what popped up in my mind. If you read her lyrics very carefully. Of Tr. 6, somewhat in Tr. 5, a little in Tr. 9. Not only in this album, take a look at Laylania's background set-ups (and that's where I initially got that idea)...
Akiko, you're a shota-con, aren't you??!!
When your imagination flies beyond the ground, you start to make delusions... u_u