音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ SelfNote: Apache+CGI on Harvestasya 8

What you do when you're overwhelmed? Doing the dishes, or organising your desktop?
In my case, I cut my fringe (thank god I didn't over cut it), doing irrelevant reading of interest, and fight off setting up CGI support via apache server on my Harvestasya Win8 Pro.
So here I'm gonna make a quick note so I can get things ready in future on another machine, since it's not as that straightforward as installing other progs.
Steps to enable CGI support via Apache on a Harvestasya 8 OS
Make sure there's nothing "listening (I don't know what it means)" on port 80:
  • CMD$ netstat -ao
  • fetch (PID) associated with :80 on the left side (like skype),
  • taskkill /pid
Run CMD as admin, and start the installing msi file.
  • network domain/server name: localhost
after installing,
test installation by hitting and/or localhost in browser,
  • if 127 works but localhost doesn't, open
  • "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts",
  • add localhost at the end.
to enable CGI,
find out and open "\conf\httpd.conf"
turn on:
  • LoadModule cgi_module modules/mod_cgi.so
  • AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl
find out: <Directory />
change following to:
  • Options FollowSymLinks +ExecCGI
now test the printenv.pl file by hitting (see more below)
  • http://localhost/cgi-bin/printenv.pl
to set up another dir the website root,
change following to your own dir:
  • DocumentRoot "D:/kiyoland/atelier/PocchongDe"
  • <Directory "D:/kiyoland/atelier/PocchongDe">
  • ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "D:/kiyoland/atelier/PocchongDe/cgi-bin/"
to properly exec CGI, use the path of perl.exe as the first line:
  • #!D:/strawberry/perl/bin/perl.exe
That should be enough for now.
Speaking about Harvestasya, I just turned a 5-min scribble into a new work:

HARVESTASYA Pro 8.0 by kiyosoft ・ω・★
I stick with 8.0 because 8.1 sucks (as far as I know).
XP is pink, VISTA is blue, so 8.0 should be the mixed up violet--with a pair of wings.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, look up Ar Tonelico 3, and if you wonder why she has no legs, it's because she's supposed to be a hand puppet--I wish I could make such a hand puppet someday for real!
And that's it~