音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ Life∽Fantasy

That thing completely ruined my last week--obviously I'm not saying what exactly it is either, since I'm trying to get it rid of from my mind without even a tiny trace.
So in today's post, I'm gonna write down some quick notes about my recently accumulated thoughts.
1. The KOKIA apostle has just returned
KOKIA's voice is like lemon+vanilla, always fresh, smooth and sweet. Yet, even being a tera KOKIA fan, I can't say I can enjoy her music at any time (I can actually loop Akiko's Umineko forever though... ^^;). I need to get my mood fits in, although the "mood" thing is too abstract to describe.
--And my mood for KOKIA was gone for an entire month! °A°
But, thank goddness (no, such an entity doesn't exist! ~_~), with the bye-bye to that incident, I feel like to have another lemon x vanilla KOKIA fest~
By the way, taking this chance, I'd like to make some notes. I naturally feel in such way, it's not something like I'm pretenting to be Tooko Amano!
Only my top 5 for now...
KOKIA = lemon x vanilla
Akiko Shikata = apple juice x raspberry jam
Haruka Shimotsuki = strawberry blended cream
Noriko Mitose = plum wine!
Annabel = fruit tea
2. Anime >>>> Movies
Guess it's not that surprising. But I just want to say it. Here. Clearly.
I don't know what's going on in a movie but I can stick to animes for hours.
It was during the past holiday. I eventually decided to watch "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", which my friend recommended to me (years ago) saying how funny it is.
Fine, I was considering to watch something different (than anime) so I started to watch.
Now, I can leave my comments: I stopped watching about 10 minutes after and permanently deleted the 1080-quality file.
To me, I simply don't get it, what's so interesting to watching a couple who went to hotel after first meet (even I know I may be wrong)... (゜_゜>)
Watching Kogoro v.s. Eri's couple's tiff is much more fun!
>>> A straightforward conclusion: I'm an otaku, not a movie fan.
3. ホラーだーーい好き!!/I LOVE HORROR!!
I've been watching too many horror games--Just finished "SIREN" and "SIREN New Translation" and now I'm following "SIREN 2". Plus, I'm also following "学校であった怖い話 (School's Scary Stories)". But just like what I've been repeated for many times, sometimes it's solely because the player is funny so that I can keep quiet and watching instead of playing on my own. Well, in case of SIREN, I guess I'll only watch. Not like Silent Hill, I guess I'll never touch SIREN series on my own <<< I just can't survive in SIREN's world. :3
However, one of my favorite moments was when I saw a friend's comments on my G+ post where I linked a youtube video about Silent Hill. "You play this? I'm astonished!" <<< I indeed enjoyed what he wrote! ( ̄ー ̄)
On the other hand, due to my overdosed horror time, I now tend to tell people: before you go camping or go out for a long while, make sure you have the follow items or alternatives: penlight, pocket radio, first aid kit & health drinks and ample if possible, weapons such as iron pipe, handgun, shotgun, or rifle...
In my case, I carry my penlight with me every day, and whenever I see a building's map, Silent Hill is the very first thing appearing in my mind. @w@
4. Watching chromosomes is fun, but not individuals that having them...
Infants, and any other primate make me uncomfortable, psychologically. So that I don't understand the feelings of people who like infants.
I'm also pretty aware of that you might think I'm the weird one. I think I'm weird too since I have no problem with human embryos.
Anyway, because of this, now I'm having trouble with the course "Human Genetics" I'm assisting with. Possibly I'll remove all pictures containing infants beforehand to ensure I don't feel too bad (also to re-arrange the slides so my students don't know there were actually pictures). u_u
5. 恋せよ乙女!/Koiseyo Otome!
Just an one-line announcement of my next "Taishou Romance" series. It's eventually coming out!! :P