音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ The-Classical-Flavoured Taishou Romance

Too much to include in this post (it's all due to that I was watching too much anime recently, I know), but still, let me try to do it in a well-organised way.
Since anime disrupted my try-to-post-as-much-as-I-can 2014 blogging plan (this is probably an irresponsible lie), it's obviously today's first topic.
Anime No. 1: Detective Conan
I do remember I said in last year that my impulse drove me downloading an up-to-date Detective Conan collection, and till 2 days ago, I finally finished all of this stock! I also feel much better now with Kogoro's new voice by Koyama. Starting from this year, that's over 400 episodes I've watched (should be only about half of the amount since I skipped all TV original stories). But still that's quite a lot, the result is I'm on fire again at this probably the longest anime with a firm plot outside of daily scenes (which is boring).
Anime No. 2: Monogatari 2nd Season
I myself don't understand what made me finishing this anime. The plot is interesting but somehow doesn't perfectly fit my taste (or is it the director's fault?). Plus, since the original novel isn't ended, I'm now regreting for what I've done after all 26 ep's. That's all about the guy, starring in Koi-Monogatari, whose name I can't recall -- people who make subtitles should keep people's name in Japanese since I'm weak at alphabet-only names @w@. Anyway, I like him quite much, merely based on my standard affection for middle-aged men (= oyaji), and I thought he's dead at the very last scene of the last episode. So I went to wikipedia and got severely netabare-d: He's not dead! °A° Good news for me, although I believe when he appears again, I'll lose the state being surprised.
Anime No. 3: Kyokai no Kanata
Only 12 episodes. Perfect to eat in one or two times. I decided to watch it because that was Ito Masumi who composed. I assumed this was a RDG-like work, but it is much better than the former one, at least this time I don't hate the heroine. The story is well divided to fit into 12 ep's, beautiful colouring and drawing quality, plus Masumi's fantastic music, I have no complaints!
Anime No. 4: Steins;Gate
I will not have lots of comments since my current progress is at ep 6. But I appriciate the forgotten reason that triggered me to watch it. I got addicted to this anime only after watching 2 ep's. SciFi is definitely much better than cheap love comedy. Another reason I love this anime is Mihane resembles Makise so much!! >w<
Audio bonus
From Detective Conan. Conan's Kansai-ben in ep 570 is awesome!

I've set this as my morning call. But since it's long weekend, my first try will be tomorrow~
Besides anime, another thing that I'm overdoing is my "Don Giovanni Fest". Before I was looking for various performances of the same classical work, and thus I found an awfully great file with 27 recordings of that opera. While I finished the file, my mind was all blank other than play all of them in one go. A great work is always great so that you can keep looping it. 27 versions, and near 3 hours per version, together with my anime fest, seems my top artist will be only Mozart for a few weeks.
At the same time when I decided to play the entire collection, the hidden message was not to switch my playlist or I lose. Under this self-suggestion, my recent art work was affected as well.
The theme was "Taishou Roman", which I always wanted to integrate since early in last year, mainly activated by Annabel's "Phantasmagoria" and partially spurred by Noriko's "Yoimachi Romantica". The phrase "Koiseyo Otome (恋せよ乙女)" was assigned as the title immediately after the draft was done. I didn't think too much about the title because this phrase is so well-known and is one of the Taishou Roman representatives in my mind.
--So, taking everything together, this drawing has nothing to do with the just passed Valentine Day!
However, like I mentioned above, it's affected by my Don Giovanni Fest. I was unable to switch track (or I lose!), so my sense of Taishou got fairly dulled by Mozart's elegent and classical taste. My original idea of using a coal black front image covered by Japanese-styled Tsubaki patterns turned to be a checkered reddish tablecloth decorated by camellia. You might already know that Tsubaki = camellia and camellia is a good candidate to make up a Japanese ambience, but my point is, my colouring of the deco-flowers was too strong, Japanese hues are supposed to have more degree of grey, and in case of my final deco-arrangement, rose could be a better choice.
--I could have done something if only I had a chance to play Annabel and Noriko's Taishou love songs.. ^^;
P.S. continue with the title "恋せよ乙女", I bet the kanji "乙女" are 100% good to cause Gestaltzerfall--another term just learned from Detective Conan (I'm aware of that phenomenon but never knew what it's called)!