音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ こんな鬼畜ゲーもう二度とやりたくない!

Recent days were mostly dedicated for free horror games (which delayed my progress at the current parody of Le Nozze di Figaro ~_~).
I've finished the entire Aooni series (1.1, 3.0, 5.2 and 6.23), and did had lots of fun with v6.23 and its Fuwatti-chan. Then I tried to touch some other well-mentioned games.
*<(●´з`)ノ*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:*・゚゚・*ヽ(´ε`●)>*
So thus I started 魔女の家/The Witch's House,
which was the beginning of a super nightmare..
The gameplay was fun. I spent about 4.5 hours walk out for all its two endings, and died 69 times in total. It does indeed belong to the group of horror game, and this or that detail is always well described and arranged.
I also know there's 3rd ending, but I can't do it. Impossible.
The game itself, regardless its endings, is good. However, when I just said impossible for getting its 3rd ending, I had two meanings.
To get the 3rd, you can NOT save..
Plus, after knowing the true end, the game then makes me unhappy... or rather uncomfortable I'd say. If you've once known its true ending, you'd know what I mean.
THIS GAME IS TOO BRUTE TO PLAY AGAIN!!! °A° ---- And what? No save? NO WAY!!!
although I don't mind watching others/myself's vids... someone explain it in terms of psychology. @_@
↓Below, Netabare = Spoiler...
Why a 13-year-old girl has to...
- cut off a teddy bear's arms/legs..
- feed a snake with a frog who likes herself, followed by killing his kids..
- "play" around with a skull-riddle..
- laugh evilly in the dark..
- betray her "friend", and gouge out "her" eyes, smash "her" legs, and invade into "her" real body.. (kill her friend would be of much more ease)
etc... etc...
Now I'm doing "Ib", scary, yes, another horror free game (and in terms of the content, so far, much much much healthier than The Witch's House). And after that, I finally decide to re-touch Silent Hill series! This time, On HARD~!