音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♡ 最初の一歩・The First Step

I was planning to write something earlier 2 weeks ago yet because of my sudden decision, I didn't.
I was in a huge complex mode. Although I'm supposed to be happy, it's complicated in my mind. Rather than feeling happy or that sort, that was quite shocking to me. I know it's only my one-side love admiration, it's still hard to face the fact. I lose my angel and my heart hurts!!....
will my angel becomes a godmother in the future?! =w=
Anyways, lemme be frank. It may be too late, but...
CONGRATULATIONS KOKIA!!~♥ and I still love you even though I haven't played your music that much since this year!


Also, my complex wasn't really the reason that stopped me writing something.
Actually I was doing something that's very time-consuming, starting from the Friday night 2 weeks ago.
It's not relaxing, but it's fun!

I'm very aware of that I should prepare some new toys for my daughter and I've been repeating it since nearly a year ago. On that Friday, the operation finally commenced.
I may not be super experienced, but I do have the confidence that I can do most things I wished to do.
Camel is my friend, and (basic) MySQL isn't that scary anymore~!
Speaking of the real reason, for my own use, the difference of performance isn't really a problem, and I simply don't bother to learn PHP, a term that gets me stuttered after repeating it for 10 times. :left:
During these days, perhaps playing around with css served as relax -- I never thought a glass of mixed berry juice would make me rewriting my css. But I couldn't stand doing nothing with the pretty purple transparency, so I extended my work after handling most scripts I wished to have, to make a new series of css files.

of course I cleaned up my desk before taking the shot.. :pp:
Guess my current blog (hosted on google) looks rather messy since I didn't sync my new css definitions in my writing. Yet I won't publish the new purple-thinking-mood theme (plus a newly made header img combining red+golden for the mizuhiki, which is too attractive to switch) until I clean up everything in my to-do list. I'm expecting a lot of troubles and hope everything will be fine.
and I'll probably come back to the topic of design (fairly) later.
At last, something that's quite sad.

⇧ Almost 8 years of blogging eq 1.83MB (566kb after zipping)... :zzz:


Finally, no wonder I'll blow lots of complaints toward... someone.
If you ask him what you've done during the past 2 weeks, he's answer: I've extracted a bunch of gi numbers and downloaded the corresponding genbank pages.
Considering debugging time and the connection speed, the slowest case would be shorter than 1 day. What the hell made you spending 2 weeks on them?!

He claims he knows perl, but now I don't believe it.
1. He doesn't know how to download webpages. Fine, no one knows at the very beginning and he might just be less experienced. But can't you do some simple search first? It's not that hard comparing to "check potential security holes in my cgi scripts", and keywords like "perl download webpage" will lead you to the awesome LWP::Simple page in less than a second. I don't understand why he couldn't figure it out on his own.
2. He doesn't know how to use flags and intermediate values, I assume. The string he needs to extract is sometimes broken into two lines, and he "tried to figure it out". I remember this kind of problem was covered in one early chapter of the first book I read to learn perl. Well, not only perl, I'd assume other programming languages uses similar logic.
3. If both problems above do sound complicated to people with less experience, this one is really "amazingly" stupid. In a foreach loop, he keeps saving each url into the same output file:
foreach (@url) {
and he asked me "how to save them into different files?"...
Now I'm really happy that we didn't ask him to do more for our database.
I bet he's not a Aquarian or I'll cry. :irked: