音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ Noriko the REAL godmother

The one I made yesterday isn't the last (piece before the end of August), today's is. Although I wanted to make something like a birthday party, due to lack of proper idea, I chose to resume the "vierge automatique" image series that I paused long time ago (last one was finished in 2013's January.. orz).
Maybe in this March they had similar amount of inspiration, but now Noriko has more pieces associated, and she is the real godmother.. (*゚∀゚).
Thinking about the reason behind, perhaps it's because Akiko tends to create colourful booklets, and thus takes all my own imagination away. Noriko, on the other hand, barely has various designs for her booklets, then leaves me plenty space to build my own world.
and I'm not blaming Noriko's booklet design~ (ノ∀`)アチャー

Another reason (or maybe not), is that the nature of Noriko's songs are generally darker that can excite me easier--even though Akiko's songs are also dark enough to activate my brain, somehow I think Noriko is darker. (・・) (I can't forget that someone who went to her live said she introduced her next song as "it's a song about the downpour brings the end of the world.")
About the song itself, since the release of "vierge automatique", there're two versions of it: the original "Hard" version and the rearranged "Soft" version. To me, both are pretty and I have no special perference. I didn't think I paid extra attention for the final makeup, but it's funny that I've scattered those white petals everywhere (after checking the meaning of rose in different colours) and then took a glance at the booklet--it does say "white petals". Nice match~
Because of the song title, at first I used pure white for the dress, but I changed my mind quickly. Considering the colour I used yesterday, which was also pure white. No, using the same colour in a row isn't my style! Yet to make sure the overall image is not off the track, I went to check my booklet to see whether she (Noriko) mentioned things like a white dress. Good thing is, she didn't. So I re-dyed her dress to black happily, and added some purple for the ribbon~
Purple is nice, and it looks so mystic. As the colour of amethyst, I can't stop loving it and abuse spread it around.
This time, I also tried to faint the transparency of the outline to reduce the contrast between surrounding colours (especially the lighter ones) and its own strong black--Now I feel like I should redo the past works in this series in the future if I want to list them together.
Guess it'll be my next plan at the end of August before I continue more. ^^;
At last, I almost forgot. Now I've got the habit to ultilise my music playlist to record the total time I spent for each art work. For this one, the total time is nearly: ⇩

almost 4:44:44!!! ヘ(゚∀゚ヘ)アヒャ