音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ Cats > Dogs; Android > Apple

As if waking up from hibernation, it's time to write something as a record of my recent life:

Too bad the main content today is about my frustrated experience with...

In my opinion, there're three types of people who use apple stuff -- people who:
1. are apple fans,
2. received one for free,
3. don't know how to use computers/related electronic devices.

and I believe I belong to the second, if it ever happens.
The first thing I did after the 1+ month vacuum was to get a new SIM card and to activate my new "object that is doomed to be blamed": an iphone5.
A petit and fun interlude: I spent almost 1 hour to browse all the available numbers. Since I didn't find any ended by "4869", which is my top choice, I had to choose between my secondary preferences: "1412", "1812" and "4649". The result: Tchaikovsky won~
Right after I activated the new SIM, it couldn't find the network. Since it's pretty normal, I decided to make the thing happy by upgrading its system so I could figure out about the network issue afterwards.
But what followed wasn't making me happy at all. The second time start-logo-loading bar stopped moving at near 95%. When I googled, someone said the update may take 30 minutes to hours.
Fine, I should do something else while waiting. My LipAura(=laptop)'s fan has turning like mad since last November. For many times I wanted to do an in-depth clean-up but I didn't. Seemed today it was the chance. I removed all screws to take out the disk driver and expose (a small part of) the green mother-board-ish thing (I'm bad at hardware ^^;). Unfortunately I couldn't make it to reach the fan. I think I roughly used up half can of compressed air, and I could see the dust got blown everywhere -- there's a layer of dust stuck on the outer surface of my disk driver...
Before I only did simple dust removing around the vents (which apparently didn't work well). This time, spending about 30 minutes eventually took effect -- As quiet as nothing is running~
--and it was still around 95%.
If so, perhaps I should go challenging myself by watching the newest (raw) Detective Conan special:

Not bad, for the entire 1.5 hours, I understood 95%.
--and it was still around 95%, what the hell?!
The worst could be wait until it runs out of battery, until I figured out how to force shut down. And the second boot up finally had no problem.
Anyway, this can't prevent me complaining. 1, a simple USB-connection doesn't turn it to a small drive; 2, the initial screen has so many icons that I'll never use -- my android came with a clean screen; 3, the app centre asks me to enter my password if I quit once -- my android doesn't; 4, there's no google Japanese IME and its built-in IME is hard to use, plus, there's no plenty of good-enough (and free) apps to let me choose; 5, there's no hole to allow me to attach a strip -- don't mention the add-ons (=extra $$).
At last, due to my afternoon-evening fight, I haven't got a chance to open them... u_u
As a non-apple user, it's my fault to even try one. I miss my Xperia!! Σ(゚д゚)#

Extra stuff that elongates this post

>I'll try to collect all the following sound clips as my future ring/msg-tones:
  • biohazard 4's 「ありえんなぁ」、「う◯こだ捨てろう!」、「また会おうぅぅ」
  • Rorona/Totori's "たーる"
  • the antique doll (in Corpse Party)'s evil laugh (which I already recorded)