音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♢ 怖い時には歌おう♪

Sing a song if you feel scared.
People always say this, but in my case, the very first song popped up in my mind was "Tooryanse", followed by "Kagome-Kagome", and then "Akakakushi"~ While the first two belong to the canonical Japanese horror folk songs, the last one isn't a relax and happy either~♪
And recently I'm addicted to Eiko-sensei's newest single: Kokuchou no Psychedelica

Both songs are great!
To someone who has experienced Silent Hill 1-4 + biohazard 1-5 + Siren 1-NT + Juon series (Japanese + US) + The Ring 2 (didn't get chance to watch 1), "Zero (Fatal Frame)" can't create enough horror to me -- I was rather amused.
The character and stage design are very pretty (Miku simply looks like Claire Redfield IMO), and the ghosts are so "plain" compared to those in bio and SH (I'd like to see something much more grotesque -- I'm resistant to the grotesque, at least visually). Although it's true some battles can be stressful, but since I've got enough experience in biohazard 4 and 5, to use the camera (I indeed enjoyed this battle system) isn't that hard, just like how to shoot with a rifle~
The story is quite interesting. It's exciting to figure out what happened in the past and the connections between all (living and dead) people through various files -- this game is surprisingly full of reading materials, while lots of them have rare kanji -- hey, people can't read them, at least put ruby beside!! Σ(゚Д゚);
However, the control is not smooth (she can get stuck by even a hanging rope!). Also, to chase those quickly-flashing-away ghosts and get snaps is fun, and very harsh sometimes (like those kids). The worst, your snaps isn't saved unless you put them into albums, and I was out of space in the memory card when I realised it!! ( ゚д゚) Hope there's some kind of extra after game clear.
Briefly, it's not like a horror game but more like an errand-game, in which you go between a few places endlessly to complete quests, in a huge mansion where ghosts drifting around (I especially like the appearance of that Ina-Bauer female ghost [Miku's grandmother?! or maybe not]). Besides, the riddles are too easy and to be called riddles. Shall I be looking forward nightmare mode?! (´∀`);
The dead's blue fiery balls remind me nothing but the Ring Spirits in Shadow Hearts.
Perhaps it's a good time for me to do "Zero" because I've been taking snaps like mad in SHF! (・ω・`)
this shot is awesome ↓