音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

★ Karafuru Petits Threes

First, look at Mei-chan's neko-punch!! (`・ω・’)ノ
To complement the strong contrast after flashing this corner, I turned on the lamp but this completely masked the colour bulbs on the tree.

As Ito Masumi has been posting her toy pianos etc. for quite a while, this idea gradually grew on my mind: Next time I'll prepare a toy piano for my girls.

Petits Threes
It might be a bit lonely, but this work has no inspiration, or perhaps Ito Masumi's tweet could serve this -- no, a tweet isn't a piece of music, so doesn't count.
Draft, outline and base colouring were done 2 weeks ago (BGM, Atelier Ayesha OST + someone's BIOHAZARD gameplay stream, aka. BGV), while shadowing and makeups were finished this this afternoon (BGM, [Don Giovanni + Le Nozze Di Figaro] x 3). The gap in last week was due to playing of *****. And actually today, Photoshop getting stuck for no reason. Neither RAM nor CPU was 100% occupied, but it just stopped when I was attempting to resize a few layers together! I waited about 30 minutes, hoping it could come back to life. But I was wrong. Fortunately the main work had been saved. However I had to redo the background arrangement again. -_-''
This is definitely my last work in this year. I do have a new plan developed in this week, inspired by Kajiura Yuki's "magician", but I know I won't make it before the end of year. Thus I shall not rush, and leave it until mid-February. The title was also determined to be "Chromatik Magicians", which involves 5 chars with one featuring a main colour: red, blue, yellow, green and purple. Scene will be in an antique home library, time should be, perhaps at early evening when the last ray of sun is still barely visible. It's very challenging to depict the dim light effect but I'll see, as I might change my mind... Besides the standard piano trio, I'll include a flute and a vocal with a magical songbook!
... why the hell I'm netabare-ing so much for the draft only next piece? ∑(゚Д゚#)
Back to this one... as I said there's no inspiration, it's merely a holiday season triggered soundless trio concert. Indeed, at the very beginning I wasn't intended to make it suited to it, so the only seasonal decoration could be the holly leaves which look a little too saturated.
Same reason, I'm tired to title my works with regulars such as "XXX 2015", etc. So I did spent some time figuring out how to name this. I first youtubed to check the tone of a toy piano, and quickly got my image that it sounds like a celesta ruined (a toy piano does look cute, but the sound isn't good even it's from a good instrument maker). Later on, after staring at Mei-chan's neko-punch (beginning) for a while, my brain began to revolve around the origin concept:
toy piano => small => petit => petits fours => colourful cakes...
-- And you can't say that this piece isn't colourful!
... colourful => trio => 3 => three => Petits Threes
Of course I know the "four" in "petit four" actually means "oven", but, let me do it for this time! >w<
Again, continued from the end of last time, a girl should have a fringe! Thus for the third (?) time I made a change. I'm happy now and really believe there're no more changes in future!
At last, a cello is just E-RO-I!!! (*´▽`*)