音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ Moon Shadow Mandala

Sir Gardiner is for sure my favourite conductor when it comes to Mozart works. Beginning with his vivid "Le Nozze di Figaro", I gradually became his fan and had got quite a collection of his recordings. Perhaps one big reason is his use of period instruments. Frankly I can't differentiate them from contemporary ones, the overall ambience is obviously different, which also fits my inner-and-indescribable taste.
And 2 days ago this arrived.

I wanted this long time ago but didn't get any until I found this CD box -- if to buy them individually, it's much more expensive and not all are in stock, which including used copies.
However, for Beethoven symphonies, Furtwängler's top position never changes on my mind.
Before I barely used a coaster, but since I got a new desk that uses tempered glass, I naturally tend to take more care of it.
I'd buy some cuties if I didn't get a set for free. Yet still, I don't like its own pattern on the front side. As I just bought a roll of decorative tape on this Thursday, I decided to "mutate" them in my way.

A question raised meanwhile was, how many possibilities there are to play with 2 lines one square. Therefore, although I first attempted to use more, I didn't.
Any way, the back sides are now front, and probably I'll soon forget the original design unless I accidentally turn them over.
Nonetheless, the tape was just an extra item when I went to the store. I wanted a steel ruler so I could have better slices of paper,
which was mainly for self binding loose pages, with beauty~
Good thing, I drew today!
The shadowing was going well, so I entered the next phase of designing a background. I did have a raw idea back to 1 month ago, but as usual, I changed my mind.
Therefore, I began to loop "tsukikage ni shizumu", the track where I got my initial inspiration. For a moment, my mind went blank, plus I saw on Google Image about "Mandala", that led me into a totally different world.
Since a lotus was one of my planned objects, I doodled a geometric lotus with 8 petals. The impression of Mandala retained strong, So my hand moved on itself. Starting with this core, more were expanded. I also tried to read more on Mandala (while Eiko Shimamiya's black butterfly song echoing in my head). The fact was my compatibility with such kind of thing is poor, that just reading the simple intro almost drove me nuts. I gave up and focused on the pure doodling...
Why it's representing the universe? was my very question. Especially for these simple examples I saw on Wikipedia.
Even though I stopped reading, I wouldn't avoid thinking of it. After 2 or 3 layers, I found I could still expand it.
-- It can really expand forever. Suddenly I felt it's a little scary. Exploding, composed by various ideas from one's mind, and (although through intended processing) well-balanced.
I wanted to call it the rule of the universe (or 世界の理). Even not for the real and objective nature, it's of my self, my "mindsphere".
Maybe somehow I understood it, ambiguously though...
Unfortunately, I don't think this fits my girls. So I get to think for the background again tomorrow. orz
I'll the how I can blend this into the background, but the hope is tiny..
The last 2 lines:


Mei-chan sandwich!! xD