音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ geometric forma

First of all, it's a great moment to get rid of many of the stacked email archives.

Pre-ordered in mid-July, and when the end of October came, the booth system said it would take 2~4 weeks before the actual delivery. And eventually it was shipped in the beginning of December -- a little bit over 4 weeks!
But as long as my thing arrives safely, I won't have much more complaint.
Although the biggest complaint I have is "sonido" isn't included in the box.

binaria 10th anniversary box!
(The photo on their official site is pretty! http://binaria.net/10th/binaria.html)
Knew and liked them 6 years ago (started from someone's recommendation for "ALHAJA" and soon with the exciting release of "delightful doomsday"), I kept following them till now. When they announced the make of their 10th anniversary box, I had no hesitation to place the pre-order. I didn't want to miss another chance like how I was late for "sonido".
Not only the music, each of their CD jacket is so characteristic and of my favourite types. Abstract forms combined with a certain motif object, plus a subtle way of colour rendering, no need to mention the video clip for "sweet jerryfish", which is so impressive and remains in my top picks. In this box, I'm so glad to see comments about each single. Yet why "diez" doesn't have any liner notes!?
Along with the box, I got my 2nd or 3rd sign-card!! (First is from KOKIA's DVD, second if it exists would be from Haruka's 10th anniversary box, and this one. I can't recall if I still have any other sign-cards.. xD;;)
Past releases inside this box are remastered, (I'd assume there's a distinguishable difference) but I haven't really compared them as today I mainly focused on the new album: "diez"

binaria's 2nd album, the 10th disc in the box.
Name is exactly "10".
Overall impression is, it's so binaria as a whole that I can do the full album loop with no problem, would be even better if Annabel got more Spanish!
1. cero y uno
2. メイデンポリス
3. おんなのこはね
4. rur
5. フロアレス
6. 燈火管制下の夜
7. 塵ひとつ
8. 夜明けの惑星
9. アストロノーヴァ
10. diez
1. cero y uno
From the title, the more I look at it, I feel it's another "zero and one". With no knowledge in Spanish, soon I found I was right!
-- A typical binaria styled introduction, with abstract blend of a starry night sky.
2. メイデンポリス
Perhaps "Maiden Police''. But I haven't read the full lyrics at this point, so there may be a true word combination.
More of the "Pop" side. Catchy and can easily make you happy for no reason.
3. おんなのこはね
The first time I read the title as "Ohna no Kohane" (literally "A lady's little feather"), but so on realised (of course before the song starts) the right way of reading should be "Ohna no Ko Wa ne" (literally "A girl")... xDD
A cute and pure song, but is never annoying like those so-called "Moe songs" that would be mainly favoured by ACG weirdo. Also, the background rhythm is so similar to another of their works.
4. rur
I have no clue what the title means. Google doesn't know either.
Starting at this song, the ambience is getting of a more "serious" binaria. Never hyper nor depressing, each note has been perfectly adjusted to the sensitive taste in-between. Here, there is also a soft touch of "twin's dialog".
5. フロアレス
I don't want to believe the title really refers to the type of camping gear. So no comments for now regarding to the title... ._.
It's making a food flow with the previous song~ (There's a very faint shadow of "Nachtflug".)
6. 燈火管制下の夜
Seemed my mindsphere was fully extended at my first time of listening, some kind of crystal filled cave. But after seeing the title, the image was retrieved back a bit. "A night in blackout".
Still enough to work with a self-styled illustration though! Maybe more like a dark story resembles to HtoL#Niq.
For some reason, I linked this song to Shikata Akiko's "Aka Kakushi", also Merlin's Magic's REIKI. lol
7. 塵ひとつ
"A piece of dust".
The percussion beats in the beginning immediately reminds me Silent Hill 4 sound track #2. But at the end, I found it's still a type of binaria's beat. -- Hope it makes sense..
The ambience is like "sweet jerryfish". Great.
8. 夜明けの惑星
"The planet at dawn".
The main melody, is so familiar but I can't think up more.
It's getting into a warmer feeling, in contrast to the previous -- the lyrics isn't that warm to me though.
9. アストロノーヴァ
"Astro nova" (?).
It's back to a bright and calm tone. Seems it's their self-cover, but I never listened to the original version. Let me just assume this one is the best!
10. diez
It's "jardin del aire" arden in the air! A simple and beautiful conclusion.
See how long I've been away from album thoughts!
I've been so deep in the world of survival horror, moreover there's no new good music coming, it can't be helped.. :3
Other than binaria, here is a (phylogenetic) question I've been thinking for long today. It might be a straightforward one, but I have no experience in this area and got a little lost:
- I have the same set of taxa
- I have various sampled sets of their genetic sequence alignment, say I have sets A and B
- I make trees using both A and B, getting trees tA and tB
- I want to test whether they're topologically equal through SH-test
My current deduction:
I'll do two sets of SH tests, 1) using alignment A with both trees, in which tA should be the best tree, while tB may be statistically supported; 2) using alignment B with both trees, in which tB should be the best tree, while tA may be statistically supported.
After the two tests, if both tA and tB are supported in its "counterpart" test, they are topologically the same. If not... I don't know what to do next, perhaps depending on the result.
Now I'm using PAML with CONSEL, whose input must be paired with one alignment and trees. But I'm facing the problem of compare trees from different alignments, although they're of the same source. I'd go forward with the current conclusion, for now, as I don't want to pay for PAUP* which might give me the same thing.