音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

♧ Revive Remake Reincarnation

The first piece in this year: the previously continuously mentioned "Revive" has finally been remade! ・ω・ノ

Revive ~remake~
(because it had "re" in both the title and subtitle, it was a little confusing each time when I type it.. xD;;)

vs. the first print I did 7 years ago.. -- more exactly, 3 days to 7 years.
Before the very first remake, I even checked the difference between remake and remaster.
The appearance, hair colour, fringe, etc. for sure changed. Nothing to comment more, I made the decision at the end of 2013. But they're the same girls as 7 years ago!
As for the graphic, it's common to me, that I can't replicate a finished drawing, instead I always tend to add more variations. At beginning I attempted to get the same position arrangement, yet ended up with a somehow different outcome. << this is remake any ways so I didn't care!
Doing the outfit was the most fun part. What I finally filled with colours was actually different from even the remake draft. Most important, I didn't want to use the original as it looked... I forgot what I thought but of course I wanted a change. => I'm sort of having a CLAMP-styled soul <= need not to dig in further!
Since the overall ambience was supposed to keep the same, which with a strong rose scented stage, it was limited to do the colouring. The balance between the base colour red and characters must be well maintained. Expelled all other choices, nothing but red could balance with itself. And once again, it was proven that black is the colour!! It always echoes with all kinds of other colours -- white does the same, but I personally prefer black.
About the hairpin, it certainly got related back to their main "devices". :3
The background was brand new, as before I simply stole one from the internet and transform it into my work. Those days have gone forever! I can't remember what kind of background I used last time as it was blurred. If go checking my zipped raw files I might get a copy of the original. But I didn't want to. -- Time to remake! Therfore, like previously I said, rose must be the thematic object. 4 in centre, 4 (that being the centre replica) in background, and petals all around. Plus, I haven't looked up how to make a swirl in CLIP Studio, so I got some "vortex" curves blended in, combining the stage spotlight-ish upper gradient. I didn't know what I was thing, some random play-arounds led to the final result.
Rose petals (they can be used as sakura petals if painted in pink) gave me another fun experience. Although I do know the blend mode long time ago, I barely really used it. Perhaps because I don't understand the mechanism behind. "Overlay", "Add glow", "Colour burn" and "Multiply" are so far the great ones I've remembered. To hand drawn these effects would be over my ability. So this time could be the beginning of more use of them!
Stopped using Photoshop for 1 year, and I don't miss it at all~
A couple of new music has been released, including binaria's "tsuduri" and Noriko's "yorlga II".
Sadly, "tsuduri" is still in a state of no touch... .__. I indeed looped "yorlga II" though.
But I'd say the first "yorlga" is better, in terms of the overall ambience. -- The introduction of "Tama no Fune" was way too impressive that made the world of "yorlga" perfect.
I'm not intending to make more comparisons here. So I'm trying to make more praises of "II". I do think all the instrumental tracks are better than "I", and many songs are great too. Of the most attention, I like the "lantern song", the introduction sounds so much like "Shadow Hearts"!! <= Definitely my coming next artwork inspiration!
Then, an earlier release.
The Last Door Soundtracks

It's the type that resembles classical music, and thus become my favourite. "Crows over the city" is the one I can't stop looping, and eventually I tried to transcribe it..

I'm so glad, it's in D minor!!
Maybe I should make a D-minor-collection playlist sometime.
A little wish, that someday I can do it. (I should, the notes aren't that hard.)
However, playing the second half tremolos is a pain. I'm not good with either trills or tremolos. I absolutely believe playing such == muscle training.
The last part. I just reincarnated my site into a revised set of cgi scripts.
NOTE: the phrase "revised set of cgi scripts" used to be "a set of php files" at the period of my "Hello PHP".
It can be due to my quick scanning of only 1 php book in a short time (whereas I've gone through 5+ perl books). Nonetheless, I'm not fond of php at all right now. I used to believe using php would be a pleasant experience since I don't have to chmod to be executable and switch shebangs across OS and handles all POST/GET/WHATEVER within a second without calling extra modules. But problems such as variable scope, empty variable, and my stubborn perl habits making things more difficult than expected. I still think it's a stupid idea to mix ARRAY and HASH, and I strongly hate that I have to quote every single key while calling an array value.
Be brief, I gave up on php. It's hard to convert. I'm a happy resident of the Programming Republic of Perl forever~ ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ
This post should have been written 9 hours ago, but my Surface was charging and I was too tired.
At least now I can go burning Laura! xD