音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❆ 晩春のたんぽぽ・The Dandelion in the Late Spring

"Dandelion" is a seasonal word of March, but I photographed one till the end of April at last.
Because of my affection for the little plants, I like dandelions too. I like their fuzzy seeds, and they fling in the air on the wind.
In the morning, I only saw one dandelion. I have ever seen some others before this time, but after the rain and the strong wind did recently, all the seeds disappeared.
In this case, it's likely I would not see the full-sky dandelions' seeds fling this year.
However, I am pleasant. I am so satisfied even only for I saw the dandelions, and took photos for one.
In such a feeling, I prayed, for the seeds can fly in the air away distantly on the wind.