音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ Summer horror time? and the moon

To differentiate between CERO C/D/Z is sort of meaningless. Although the physical difference (to me) can be that you'll need a local credit card for CERO Z. << what I've just remembered.
I'm mainly talking about this:
I saw the writer's name who wrote Higurashi series!!
It must be horror, isn't it!? Moe-Horror, my favourite~ (/・ω・)/
(Sadly it's CERO Z = no play or buy hard copy..)
And one more, with more expectation!

Shin-Yomawari is coming!!~~ (゚∀゚)
Two characters this time, reminding me Nippon Ichi's other recent games, like Hotaru Nikki and Rose and the old castle. The system itself is getting better and better, so I'm not having any bad hunch for this. And it's possible to go into the buildings this time, which sounds more fun, and it can be harder. Think about earlier Biohazard series, I always chose to kill all the zombies even with only a knife, as running around in a house is just hard as physics or molecular chemistry.
From the official text, I'm already expecting a dark ending (like Hotaru nikki), but, maybe it's grey (as Yomawari) or can even be pure white (Rose and old castle). I personally would like the very first type. Besides, I'm wishing the girl in Yomawari could show up as a guest (but perhaps she won't).
Last, the main theme doesn't sound as much impressive as Yomawari, it's also beautiful though., making me wanting to transcribe the main melody again.
I can't play the middle fast part in Yomawari yet, need more practice, but my focus is right now not that.. orz
Biohazard Vendetta is eventually out, with its OST by Kenji Kawai!!

The main theme, just like how it sounds in the promotion movie, is cool. I'm satisfied with it, and the next is to wait for its bluray release -- it has to be the Japan version since I want the Japanese voice.. (*´∀`*)
As for photographing, I'm getting into the direction, I think.
At least using a point-and-shoot smart phone I wouldn't be able to shoot the moon a few days ago like this:

Taking a careful look, the Earth's shadow is also visible. I'm happy with this outcome.
The lack of a remote shutter release, on the other hand, wasn't a problem though, as it's the moon, it doesn't move so fast. A timed shutter can simply compensate this. But I do feel there's a need for a tripod. As currently I'm positioning the camera with various supports: step stool, book, coaster, litereally anything that stays steady. ^^;
Note: I'm planning to take a picture of the moon everyday, as long as the night is clear. And it'll also be a good chance to observe more in terms of the moon phase, which I don't really pay much attention. -- Although it had been a two day break due to the clouds. When I just look at it, it has turned much more of a round shape.
In this week, suddenly I began to loop Akiko's "Kagaya (? or whatever it's pronounced)". At a point, all my imaginations had gathered to the tip of my pencil.
I'm just saying maybe my next drawing won't be motivated by "kinema mosaic" but this, which is more summer fitting... °A°;;