音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ 青い瞳に惹かれて

- Can you change your iris colour?
- Yes of course, in the 2D world!
In the past a few weeks, I had just realised a serious problem, that none of my girls has the blue eye colour! °A°
This shall not be allowed. Although I had forgotten how I decided the final palette, maybe 10 years ago, and regardless I had undergone a (sort of) style-change 3 years ago, I need another revolution, solely for the eye colours.
In the real world, eye colour isn't of the first things I'd notice. Never, that I can't even tell my colleagues' eye colours. Real people have no fun -- bearing with an otaku's heart. But in the imaginary side, you have endless choices with combinations between hair/eye colours, so why not take more time and find the most colourful versions? I think I was possessed since seeing Ciel's pretty blue eye, and liked the staff's colouring work. So much possessed that I eventually updated my colouring pre-sets.
↓ Only many were changed, and now I have the blue~ Though I don't believe this is the final version, especially for those I haven't tested using my past works.
I'm glad that this was made before I finishing up the second inspiration from "kinema mosaic", and I also edited the earlier piece "revive -remake-" (which made it the 3rd time of editing.). However, after that, I lost my intention to continue fixing works even those came in this year (literally only 1 needs fixing, but involving 2 characters, so, maybe later...).
あの子だけをここまでやってて、他の子たちはどうかお許しを!! >///<
Continuing from last section, surprisingly it only took me about a month to finish the second "kinema mosaic" inspiration:
Really I'm using more and more text while naming my drawings. No wonder whose habit I got it from. -_-''
Am I still supposed to write some liner notes?
Obviously, and repeated for the third time in this entry, that the inspiration was Mitose Noriko's "Kinema Mosaic", as the second work, after May 2014.
There is something special in this song, not only the gorgeous string overlays, but also all its flats and sharps. Musically it's driving my fingers nuts, and visually it keeps giving me blur, vague and abstract ideas. The last time inspiration was merely a warm-up, to have a quick touch with dim light and interior of an antiquely decorated room. This time, one was not to mimic the previous work too much, and two was I had no clue on what kind of background I was going to draw, I had a simpler overall design. Originally I even placed a few candles but I took them away because I was lazy I'm no good at rendering light effects. I ever thought about to put something on the floor, but replaced with a tiled pattern, as if I did, the only thing I'd leave there would be some shining stuff... but I never meant to draw a secret ritual! lol
One thing I didn't expect was, stained glass appeared in both works! Purely out of coincidence, but doesn't it mean it's a symbol while dealing with Taishou-Romance? ( ゚∀゚ ) Like just said, the big problem was still the light effect through a piece of coloured glass. I did put many efforts to render the shadow on the ground, but, maybe it's not what one would see in reality. So just don't be picky and focus too much on the details.. xD;
No need to have many words about the characters -- following the standard settings.
A major change in mind was, originally I wished to use military uniforms, it would be hard to tell since the instruments would hide many featuring parts, and thus I didn't go further.
-- Plus, I wonder whether that's a great coincidence that I listened binaria's "花紺" at the same night!
And Piccolo is staring at a bug on the wall, hiding behind my monitor. ( ゚Д゚)サワリテェェ
Maybe I've mentioned previously, that Akiko's C92 preview didn't stimulate my mind too much, so I guess, the next one would be a remake. I've forgotten why I picked up "revive" as my first remake, but right now, I don't know which one I shall work with. What I've decided is, I won't remake anything that's done after I began using ClipStudio, so timely no touch after "chromatique magicians". And I myself do prefer choose earlier more shitty works as it's fun to have a big difference. The current issue is, I'm more enjoying drawing multiple characters, but before I didn't.
Another possible way is to reassemble and remake, as long as they can be joined in smooth.
This span does give me sometime to enjoy Shin-Yomawari though. I'm never used to it's "R" key for running system, which is so different from other games that use the "X" key. My death count does get increased many times because of this..
But I won't complain too much for this. Most of my attention is in how much evil NipponIchi had put inside the game. Comparing with Yomawari, this one definitely has more evil and more jumping scares (and more traps that the mansion made me believing I was in Sen's fortress). Although both had showed its negative aura since the tutorial... not bad though!
The story is almost like parallel to Yomawari, and it becomes the most obvious since the end of chapter 4. Personally I like chapter 5, the giant crab-ish monster that blocks the way, my favourite monster~(*´▽`*)

Photo time!!

8/21 ピンホールから見たミニサイズの部分食

I still think Shikata Akiko's "Umineko" song is the best for (total) solar eclipse viewing!
8/28 ピンクの夕空と薄明光線(ほとんど撮れなかったが)
Speaking of the just past total solar eclipse, I deeply love this shot taken by KAGAYA♥