音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ End of Apple, on Android 10!

I've been looking for a decent phone a while ago. Although I've checked a few, they're either too expensive or a bit out-dated.
Since Android 10 has already been released, it's the time to look for a built-in 10 instead of upgrading from 9 to 10.
Originally I was having an eye on Moto G8 and Samsung A30. They both released not so many months ago, have decent price below $300 (the former was merely $210). But none of them has android 10. So I held up until a few days ago, when I noticed amazon showed a decreased stock.
Then I tried to compare other similar items on a phone comparison site, and eventually spotted A31, which was ~$350 and released right in last month with built-in android 10.
Fine, no more hesitation, time to place the order.
Because my previous iphone5 (with a non-working power button) is black, it's very hard to realise it's being placed on my black desk. Thus, this time I chose white. But apparently it's not helping much, since the front side is still all black when screen turned off. I completely neglected this fact, and should really have got a black phone, as black is just so all-purpose that nothing else can replace its importance. Anyway, it won't be a good reason to go for a replace.
My previous android was probably not above 4.4. The current experience on 10 is excellent -- Icons can be placed everywhere! Typing through swapping is smooth. The brand new machine is fast and the 64 GB storage will be undoubtly enough.
Now I can finally use OneDrive, which couldn't be installed on a lower iOS version, along with many other apps.
Blogger doesn't even have an iphone version [I just started a private blogger site for personal diary -- I wanted to resume my long-forgotten daily log habit].
Also, the your phone on windows 10 app is great, it's now very easy to access photos stored on the phone. Although I've set up OneDrive, seems it's not backing up. Probably it needs more configuration that I'll deal with in the near future, it's not in rush. I more often use a real camera after all. But the inconvenience is I can't transfer files from PC to phone. Hope this can be improved but it's unlikely..
It claims charging is fast, and I'll see tomorrow.
The only thing I'm not yet used to is to unlock: tap 1, 2 times or swap or home button or fingerprint... hope can get used to it soon.
Almost forgot to say, it came with a soft plastic (?) case. Never expected this but I'm happy with it. Will try how a strap can be attached from one of its holes!
And I'll definitely paint another Hunter's Mark on the back (of the case)!
No more apple, スッキリ!
Meanwhile, one of the past Notepad++ updates now allows auto-indentation for Perl scripts, like what it has been doing for php. Thankfully I love it!