音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

☆ 怒涛の三連休

September used to be a boring month, but this year we got 3x long weekends, followed by that in October. It does actually feel fun -- though it's going to return to normal from tomorrow.

Humans can extinct, cats won't

I'm so glad I got the chance to play Stray, a cute little game that I almost neglected. From the very beginning, it gave me the ambience of Nier Automata and till the end, I strongly believe one can just swap the music of them and it will be a natural blend. -- As the robots contact the real world, their AI also grows and... doesn't it sound like a reasonable introduction to the latter?
But I care more about the cat! To find where the little orange guy returned to his own world, I tried to search in chapter one but didn't find much, other than that their home is fairly close to the control room, and probably located on the same side. There is an opinion that the last scene is very close to his tome, and I believe it. As for the super hacker B12, whom I've begun to think he's 9S' ancestor will probably just talk to them again -- there is a door with some small screened-terminals in chapter 1 with a note "human staff only", which would be a perfect place for them to reunite. B12 might also find some super old recipe in the cyberworld about how to make Churu and the robots treat cats as the god, and made the best Churu factory... -- I'm getting too far. xD;
A happy end so that is. However, I'm not 100% good with the real game ending. I'm not generally fond of this kind of open-end and I like to make things clear. The one that immediately appeared in my mind was Shadow Hearts 2, where there were many static images for each character during the ending credits and thus nothing was left unstated. Some people like that though, so it can't be helped, all I can do is hope for a good end!
Humans can be wiped out, but cats won't!
Also I wish there are more to read regarding the world and why the date stops on Oct 11 (tomorrow)! Quite many questions I have already about that world. A note in Momo's home says the town is 450m in diameter, but this is obviously too small. Maybe he meant the slum. Regardless, the whole walled world doesn't seem to be large at all, since the slum is clearly seen from the midtown and even from the control room, which is good, so it's not a huge journey. My gameplay time is about 14 hours including finding all memories and badges, so our little orange guy probably won't take any longer so he can survive even without proper food (a big relief!).
Then I look at my own cats, can they be that agile to jump around and deliver this or that? No, they can't, I know that...
all they can do is sleep like that (which I don't mind at all)↓
Even I myself feel the text is getting disordered as I've been too long of no writing.
One last little thing,
Windows finally brought folder thumbnails back! Have been looking forward to this since this February when that was first introduced in an insider build.
Only two weird things remain now, one is the shortcut "desktop" can't be taken out from the quick access list (as usual), and the other is the system removed the old version of Windows, which occupied about 12 GB, but my remaining space didn't seem to increase at all. Maybe it now doesn't count temporary data toward the total disk space? Whatever, I shall not be worried until I run out of space -- hopefully it never happens.
At meanwhile, notepad++'s newest update got some block markings, at least for web-based file types, html, xml... Doesn't seem to be very useful to me though, since it doesn't work well in Perl and probably more formats that I haven't checked. just noticed it's actually editing markings, still doesn't seem to be useful to me at all, but can still treat it as some kind of fun colour decoration.