音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ A cat can melt a yakuza

When the time shifted one hour after (or maybe back??), my Jupiter didn't get synced until I noticed it 2 days later.
Didn't cause any problem as my other small devices synced immediately, and at such times, I was glad I have quite many analogous watches to remind me of the time change.

One of the angry YT users

Guess one of the biggest online things was Youtube's anti-ad-blocker statement. Worse than PS+ that at least I get free games, paying much to only reduce ads is ridiculous. I'd be happy to pay if the year-pass price is as current monthly rate but that seems impossible to happen, nor that they'd reverse their detecting code after being burnt by angry people. All businesses are greedy.
So if no proper way to remove ads, I'll keep searching for alternatives -- haven't tried video downloading and just hope it's unaffected.
Nonetheless, the direct conclusion is I won't pay. I'd rather pay for a real working ad-blocker.
Meanwhile, I also noticed that the quality of originally uploaded videos, after being redownloaded from YouTube's built-in option, was dropped seriously. Not being a YouTuber and never realised this before. Good to learn from the last few weeks when I was organising my cat videos.
Which means, more storage for proper backups. At least my current 100GB is still fine, which is good.


Regarding this, it's all unpredictable, though I've been trying to keep it going on pace.
The motivation is always enough, but thanks to the detective/yakuza game I just finished (which will be mentioned later), it took longer than expected to finish this card.
A staff card, so no one shall forget the legendary cane in BB.
Surely I'm biased in weapons I like, there are no drafted hammers/axes yet, if I remember right.. and there's nowhere to use them really, is there? (; ・`д・´)
Other quick notes on this one.
Plus, there were also a few trials:
Partial body presentation: first time not drawing a full body, indeed saved a lot of time and made things easier. Maybe my old works were all designed with a full body, or maybe not. Shall not be a concern of the present anyway. This shall be carried on in the future.
Outlines: one new attempt was to use brush instead of pen. But it didn't turn out well and made the drawing look dirty. Likely I'm more used to the anime-like style rather than a watercolour-mimic, so this isn't going to happen again.
Gradient map: Looks neat and good for one-tone colour application, but if used at the whole image level, it's more complicated to use and I'm more confident with choosing my desired shadow/highlight colours traditionally.
Draft: Just had a look at the original draft (which isn't like the final version at all), it was done in last year's middle of November. Last night I also finished posing the next card, which isn't like its original draft either. So there's no need to draft a whole project all at once, the thing I should have realised a year back. ┐(´д`)┌
unsureness: I didn't know whatever the... things I was drawing in front of the fence, so I simply patched it up with dark lines and random brush messing around, and I'm not going to say I outlined it from mirrored view so the sleeves were reversed but I didn't bother to make further changes...


Spending roughly 48 hours in total, I finished the two "Judge Eyes" games with huge satisfaction.
However, I started first on normal but switched to EX easy at the end of chapter 1. The battle system is rubbish compared to any other action game I like so far. Till the very end I still don't know how to lock on, or maybe that feature actually doesn't exist (and of course I didn't pay much attention to reading tutorials). As the plot was so interesting, I was even irritated each time when encountered a fight.
The story of both are great, like watching a long series. I even wished it was not a game so I could relax and keep watching (but in that case I might miss some silly dialogues). 「バンがバンバンやって来やがる」にもすっごく笑った。
In addition, the "bad" guys, are also attractive (especially Soma's boss bgm is cool).
But today I'm not going to have any kind of review/analysis/etc. I just want to keep this image as my memory of how I enjoyed the two stories. They did a nice job of not letting me skip the ending staff roll ↓
A cat can melt a yakuza (too bad I couldn't capture the very very last moment of it). (ヽ´ω`)