音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ 軋みと歪みへの無き、声・The Silent Voice for Crushing and Distortion

This is a good album released in Jan 26th 2006, sang by Katakiri Rekka. It is a story album, how a world was created and how it was ended; everything was expressed well in that album.
Thank for a friend of mine introduced to me the album. I have listened to the album some weeks ago, and though I wanted to write something, until now, I have done it.
Say about the core of this album, in my opinion, that is “doing not to lose your human nature.” The differences between ideals and dreams and fantasies and vain hopes are very tiny. Once these tiny grooves are broken, the original normal world may be distorted. Such a simple principle, in this world, how much people know it? For this world is too complex and tangled, though one knows the principle, he or she have to do something wrong, if does not, this one may can not stay here anymore. So that, the final result is, the pure people will be stained by others nearly, the born innocent children will be stained by adults, even the holly light which falling onto this ground, then will also be covered by evil influences.
Any world will also be ended, but who decided the period is we human ourselves. To wish our world can stay longer, what we should do is also simple: tune nature, and then in the base change our lives little by little. Anyway, human were born in this world, and human are changing this world, whether the lightness or the darkness after our next step, that are all decided by human, they are all done by our hands.
Now, in your heart, how dark there is?
I will show my images and comments at the next time.