音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❈ Wa! Surprised! 驚きました!

August 6, 2007, that day is Kajiura Yuki’s birthday:flirt: , and that day was also the day of the first anniversary between me and MyOpera! I knew it just now! I know that this August is the first anniversary of me and MyOpera, so I wanted to know the date and I checked my diary; I was very surprised when I knew it! And the date do was the same to Kajiura Yuki’s birthday…
I was very happy for the two dates were the same! In fact, I had applied 4 or 5 blogs before MyOpera; and that time I met MyOpera was only by little accident. So it is very normal that I could not remember the date. But then, I loved MyOpera soon after I played there.
“… although there is only 300 MB for me, it’s enough! Yet the album was very beautiful. So I will stay there always! It’s very nice!” that day, I wrote in my diary.
Surely it was very nice. I was not so enjoyed blogging before I met MyOpera. And from then I have my opera, and with its advancement, one day I found I have enjoyed bloggin very much. MyOpera is a good blog and it is better than any other blogs I had seen. It’s beautiful, wonderful and you can blogging easily. From then one year passed, and I love MyOpera more and more.
I think it should be a double-insurance for the date when we met is the same to Kajiura’s birthday! I will not forget again the date when I met MyOpera.
Yes, today, August 14, 2007; the date is little missed to the real date, but no matter! Now let me do a little celebration for the first anniversary!
Congratulation! The first anniversary of me and MyOpera!
さっき分かることになりました。今月6日、つまり梶浦様のお誕生日:love: の日は、私とオペラとの出会った日でした!今年の葉月は私とオペラの一週年記念ので、その具体の日を探すため、朝から前の日記を探してから分かりましたので、とっても驚きました。この日は梶浦由記様のお誕生日と同じことなんて…