音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ 買ってきたんだ!/ I Got it!

The book “GENES VIII” was our textbook of molecular biology in the last term. I took care of this book from then. Recently I went to book shop and saw in foreign region… I found “GENE IX”! It was glad to buy it though it’s not cheap. I wanted it for a long time so I bought it.
It’s heavy to carry; the entire pages are pressed in color, its paper touched soft. I thought it can be a nice collection. Although the class molecular biology has ended, I want read this book once again too! Well, it will take lots of times undoubtedly, so… yes, I will to try my best!
先学期、分子生物学の教科書は「GENES VIII」だった。その時から、私はすぐにこの本に気になることになった。先日、本屋さんへ行ったとき、あら?海外区に「GENES IX」を見つけたの!嬉しかったな~値段がちょっと高いんだけど、この本がどうしても手に取りたかったの。だから、買った。