音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ bio/colour/psycho



Hard mode has limited bullets, so it's better to find a way to save as much as I can. So save and load records my progress. I retried a few times in the first and second Tyrant battles, with only the custom handgun, plus 1~2 full recoveries.
Surprisingly it's doable for me!
Later on, I was excited by this, and forwarded to challenge fighting the "sub-" final boss with Rebecca (I controlling + flame rounds) and Billy (AI + custom handgun). As first time I gave Billy the magnum, it seemed costing less time than using the handgun (of course). But, it's still managable! Shamefully, at the first time of winning I pressed the wrong button and ate a full recovery in a fine condition, I had to beat it for the second time..
-- Although this resulted a 30+ unused shotgun shells.. orz
Must to mention, that I learned there's a good short before the sub-final boss. As long as one char proceeds, the other one will take a wrap in the movie. So I could save without running too much. xD
In one word, bio 0 is fun (all main bio stories are fun)! Although Billy didn't show up in following stories.


Be colourful. Every time it's like this though. But this time, with a raw design idea of blooming the background with various flowers in all seasons, I made the hair ornaments matching it.

Yet each took me over 1 hours. #_#
The next is to make a pair of staffs. なんか今回萌要素が満載っぽい…


It's not because I wanted to see some mature ikemen so I began PsychoBreak, I promise! But Seb is so cool, especially looking at him taking the chainsaw (after dying over 1.5 hours last night). I really can't wait to see my death count at the moment of game clear. (Jack Krauser in bio4 on pro is easier than him on survival.) ^^;
With some faint knowledge from other players (stopped watching around chapter 7 after deciding to play it myself though), I'm also looking forward to reunion with Joseph (メガネっ娘がかっこいい).
At first, it wasn't a comfortable experience during the gameplay due to my 3D sickness as always. This game seemed being of the more serious type to me, over bio 5 and 6. Yet now it's gone, completely.
What it means? I'll be fine as long as it's in third person view! First person rules everything with no hope.
In spite of being a fun game (the Kayako-chase at the end of chapter 4 was a big laugh), there's a tiny scent of malaise to me, personally. In Cp 1, Bach's "Air" brought me to the hell, but every time with Debussy's "Clair de Lune", I'm relaxed as I can have a chance to escape.
If in this game there's no impressionism... -- I know I'm picking on a small thing.
The key "D" of my keyboard isn't sensing well! And it requires two times of force to input..! @@

♡ 2D upgrade

↑もちろん、バイオハザード0HD Remasterのことです。
P.S. マーカスはやはり変態ww
A few days ago, while considering on the "irodori" motived new art work, on a piece of white paper I wrote many possible arrangements of environmental colours, and played a bit with my "gradient maker" script. So what if I mix colours in a 2D space?
Just for this short sudden spark out of my mind, I spent the following 3 days (or evenings more exactly) and gave the current script a huge update: from 1D to 2D, just like a standard palette in drawing programs~

That's what I wanted. It was indeed good at the very moment when all my loops were in order!
-- Although since now I perhaps won't use it that often, nothing but to fulfil my one-time eager.
Now I shall move faster on my still-in-designing-progress artwork!
binaria's new album is already out, while I'm waiting for BOOTH to ship my item ASAP; seems it'll takes 2~4 weeks.. I'm good with waiting though. (。・_・。)
It would be even more perfect if "sonido" is included.
And tomorrow is the Halloween night, I wish I have a chance to play with zombies, in biohazard 0. ( ̄ー ̄)

♧ Happy End!?

As a late momentary at first, like the usual self:

I've cleared Wesker mode in Code: Veronica Battle Game~
In a sense, that's not as hard as I thought, at least I have a magnum which is enough for Alexia.
Hunters were the real nightmare, during X times of retries, 90% I died from its head-reap, while the rest 10% was the bi*ch Alexia...
I like Wesker's "you are coming with me."
Basically I've done with Veronica, if not saying to challenge a pure knife clear. Later I resumed my trip on the gorgeous Queen Zenobia. However it indeed took some time to recall the past story; although I was quickly killed before my brain finished restoring, due to a crowd of hunters -- hunters have been weakened a lot in this game! orz
After gathering the scattered pieces, another big trouble I faced was my lack in the sense of direction. To escape from the drowned ship, I almost swam over 40 minutes -- I even began to had a 3D sickness that I normally don't have in TPS games.
Luckily less than 10 minutes had recovered my physical balance loss in a 3-hour play completely (that in FPS it would take 3 hours to recover from 30 minutes of play).
I don't like FPS. Not being able to see the character's face reduces my motivation.
I mean I'm not doing Bio 7 unless Leon/Chris shows up!
Way too off....
Moments in Revelations
  • When seeing so many Bio1 "symbols", getting lost and finally reading the name: George Trevor, I laughed.
  • Mr. Mayday got me exhausted, as I kept failing in saving some ammo and herbs.
  • The giant... something boss was also time consuming plus ammo wasting, at least that was easy to dodge and wasn't a melee.
  • The sniper rifle could barely get a chance to use compared to Bio4,5,6.
  • I stopped there, and a weeks ago when I got back, the following counterdown stage drove me crazy (I'm not a fan of Rachel! XDD).
  • Self-destructing system + limited boss fighting time exist in every BIO, however, I beat the nearly-the-final-boss without Kirk's rocket launchers. I thought I failed, but like a miracle, I won in the LAST second!!
  • Inside the water of Queen Dido, I was engulfed by the swimming meat block FOUR times...
  • The real final boss fight was very fun (a Sci-Fi Tyrant xD). And the soundtracks are superb~!
The story, due to too many cross-overs, was always confusing till the very end. I wasn't amused while seeing BSAA people leaving the stage one by one, but this was all CAPCOM's deception. HAPPY END. Great.
The bad thing, in RAID mode, I got stuck at stage 6, with Mr. Mayday. -_-||
Remember a (male) player said, you shall choose only HARD if you're a guy, when he first time played BIO 0.
So I followed him: you shall choose only HARD if you're a fan.
Although it wasn't an easy way, even I have some vague memories from watching other's playing ~1.5 years ago.
Just tonight, I kept dying from various reasons, and last bitten by 3 ugly monkeys...!
最後に、 やはり私はあんまりハロウィンが気に入らない。結局、次の作品のテーマは『彩』になった。

♢ 誰にも平等なんだから、文句なし


Windows 10一周年記念アプデもやっちゃいました。

「The Last Door」に惹かれつつ、「トラスティベル」をゼロからやり直した、セーブデータがプレステ3本体にないため、なんたカナシイ!

♡ 『階段下りたら上の階』=>Möbius!

Eventually, I delayed it for nearly a month, or 26 days if calculating exactly.
Shall I feel good since it's not a 5-month delay? (・∀・;)
In spite of being late, I shall give a review, from the beginning sketch to the ending light-shadow playing.
Suddenly I wanted to listen to songs by Shikata Akiko (the hiragana personality), and thus I pulled out the one cue that I hadn't played for quite a while.
⇨ "laylania". Following my initial plan, I didn't play the entire CD. Instead, I nature desire led me to double-click onto track 3 without a half second of hesitation. Although that was true that I didn't expect I could give the whole evening exclusively to that song. As I myself didn't expect at all that my fingers went crazy to reflect my "mindsphere", being activated by those exotic waves.
"I shall make it for my girl's 10th birthday!"
Things were going perfect. I mean, everything besides the character shadowing and background was finished within the single day. Still a big pile left though.
Getting lost in the world of SLG and/or RPG. When I was suddenly brought back there was one day left (in the perfect case).
I worked hard for it (although it wasn't finished). I've made it to the end of base colouring, so this was actually a pretty memoir for this special day. However, I hurt (very, very mildly) my right shoulder so I couldn't put a full force onto it.
I can't remember when the exact that day was, but I was almost there. With some final shadowing and a title remained.
After another a few hours (that I originally expected a much shorter span), I now only needed a title.
The title was decided, and my hunch is my German fails.
As I intented to make it a birthday gift, there's no doubt on my choose of characters, as well as the "guest". I tried to depict a "doya-gao", but seemed it didn't work out like I expected. ← Not really a big deal.
Also, since the indirect inspiration was from that Akiko (hiragana ver) song, nothing would be better than a "library". A library in a crazy and fantastic world, so that I came to the motif "Möbius" soon, which I made it her flying-carpet-ish magical device.
In fact, it was the very line → "階段下りたら上の階" triggered it, which quickly extended itself to become a layered but random world. Besides, I wanted to put some turning blades or gears or similar tricks, but my laziness advised me not to. someone who owns Super Mario Maker should go creating such a course!! So I ended up with simplified clocks, and draft-like gears.
For the same reason, I omitted the digit soilders and the paper mice units (flees~).
For decorative wall arts, first they were designed for "keep quite" notices, but somehow I put a frame around. Even just for two of them, I wanted to give more details. Meanwhile, to maintain it's echoing in harmony of the book she's reading, I decided to soft-touch from my favourite painter.
The flying cards -- which were initially books -- were selected partially randomly through a simple script.

After scripting it, I realised the numbers 1-4 I assigned were in a good correspondence: spade = 1 stem; heart = 2 halves; clover = 3 leaves; diamond = 4 sides...
What? Club??? I've been calling it clover since I began to play solitaire on a Win 3.1 (a strong root). -__-||
Final Declaration: I am indeed aware of that it's actually supposed to be a boy interacting with the adorable rainbow-fish. But, I'm neither doing a real fan-art nor am a shota-con. u_u
So that's about a crazy fantasy with laylania. I wish Akiko's "haguruma no Erude (presumably Erde?)" could become a vocalised concept album too! °A°''
Yesterday, when I saw it, all my nerves were hypered.
Yet it's hard to image Noriko playing BIOHAZARD ... ^^;

♡ 聞いてみてよかった~

The last day in August!!
-- Summer is ending! Although it's quite hot today.
Not by Haruka's "another flower" project, but this specific CD jacket dragged me into Mitsuki Nakae's field.

Seeing it on amazon one day from related products of binaria's new release. Simply too moe to refuse, at least for a try.
Yet my instant reaction was "I can't do abacus at all!" But soon noticed the title was spelling in a totally different word.
As I just said, I've heard Mitsuki's name through Haruka's collaboration, but it didn't gain me much love toward her -- as I feel her voice type doesn't fit well while covering Haruka's songs. Rather this best album is of a higher preference for new listeners.
Generally, I more like music that's melodic (at least non-atonal), of a fantastic ambience, and not "very" noisy. It could be ambiguous to state what exactly is called fantastic, my top non-classical artists would be the perfect examples.
So, balancing all of these criteria, her "best" songs passed, especially those from disk 1, in which most songs were blended with a strong orient touch -- of my favourite type. It's something different from Akiko's "wokashi" fantasy, there's more "hard" stuff, almost beyond my "'noisy" bottom line but still safe. However, as I'm not very impressed by her voice type, the"noisy" elements indeed decreased the overall quality in my mind.
With this impulse of interest, I began to try more of her songs. Like I felt, that I can't really like, if not most, quite a lot of them. Meanwhile, I do find a few of a big love, including "Halloween Night Parade", the very one I looped tonight. As usual, my fingers went nuts during the loop, resulted a new piece of draft.
In fact, I initially wanted to post my newest artwork featuring the "laylania goldfish", but I got stuck at the final naming stage, and thus I emptied my built-in RAM and just letting my thoughts extend alone the environment, which is of a high chance to be my next target (hope I can do it within a month).
Any way, I'm glad I was moe-d by this colourful jacket, which led me to have another artist into my library.
-- and I swear tomorrow I'll finalise it. No more waiting, it was supposed to be done on August 6th!

✾ ゴリ押し?じゃないかも

I never imaged I could make this far back to this February. Just hear the so-called "nightmare mode" made my heart hurt. Plus I had absolutely zero experience in SLG, when I actually cleared the "hard mode", I felt like a pink elephant...
However, the mighty search engine and so many kind people who are both skilful and willing to share their experiences gave me hope.
↓ finally!

I cleared KanColle -kai- on the nightmare difficulty!!
And I dare to say, that I still don't quite understand how to properly arrange my fleet, combine gears for extra bonus, or control the air -- even after 6 rounds (easy-normal-hard-easy-very hard-nightmare) of play. orz
In this sense, I'm indeed better in survival/action horror, as I don't have to worry about such (and I just did a little Veronica -- my hands naturally switched into the "radio control mode", and I didn't have a hard time to recall how it controls << I need to point it out as I didn't play any of this type since February~ -w-).
Back to KanColle, not touch any systematic issue, the game content itself is quite addictive, otherwise I'd give up long time ago.
I remember I had to try a few times to beat the final boss on all other difficulties, but still all yielded an acceptable result (= game clear by my own arrangement), but in nightmare, I ended up quitting the normal attacting way and went off to take a sort of unfair shortcut.
Lots of player had said, most fleets in the final maps can't attack submarines, so a submarine-only fleet can get to the boss without a scratch. With some luck, they just need to launch torpedoes and escape, and then you get a B-rank victory.

↑ I have only 4 submarines!! (and I forgot to repair 401, so the 3-HP loss of her wasn't due to the enemy fleet.)
Whatever, fair or unfair, I'm glad it's over now.

See, I haven't even unlock the other two final areas. I don't like this nightmare world that's crazily demanding on enemy-searching.
and I never care about Kashima. REALLY. I don't understand why she's so popular. Meanwhile, I didn't find training ships are that helpful (of course I did read wiki before reaching this conclusion!).
Speaking of less helpful ships...
Yamato. Regardless the history (I'm terrible at history), in this game, I found she's completely useless... consumes much, yet can't even make a big hit in spite of her "displaying" high attack. Also, as there're both high-speed and low-speed battleships, I didn't see much reason to use the low-speed ones.
That so many RPGs have told me, speed is important!
In addition, the ship that I hate most is...
Akashi, when she tells me "the upgrading failed" with a nothing-happened-face!! °A°#
My last round, see how many ships I can eventually collect (I give up Kashima in my collection), I chose the "normal" mode as I've got enough in harder modes. Taking a glance of my main force...
I must be a chastity-less admiral... LOL
In contrast, in actual RPGs I tend to freeze my party members.
For example...

These for are my forever party members (if possible I'd like to take Sophie off though). -- Taken after I beat the strongest boss literally "shadow of oblivion" on despair mode with field-level-5.
Only gears can't make it through, as this bast*rd hits/heals much higher than each round's total damage.
So they are necessary, really, but digging them out took me months (sparsely playing).
As a memory, other items/gears are linked here~

The quality-999 philosopher's stone~ (didn't try to turn it red as I didn't need it.)
~The end~