音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✯ 霜月の始まり / Shimotsuki Begins

Nyanko, I meant cats

The biggest happiness in the world is for sure to have a cat being waiting for your home coming!

Especially during the cold seasons, they're also having an excellent touch-feel! That's the main reason I prefer cats 100k times over dogs, they're so soft and warm~
They're also much quieter than any dog's barking, which is annoyingly noisy. Their purr is probably one of the most healing sound in the nature!
Plus that Neko Zamurai is fun!

November, I meant Shimotsuki

But, I'm not really coming to debate why cat's are better.
It's Shimotsuki already, and the nature is at a good pace.
Frost has come, making flowers and leaves sweet like sugar~
Yesterday, the first snow arrived (my Xperia lens isn't that good to reflect those tiny snow flakes and thus I've deleted that raining-ish snowing photo).
Good thing is I'm always ready for sudden snow falling, even including my portable music library.
Akira Yamaoka's "Tender Sugar". My top 1 "negative" song that will fit perfectly with any cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy time, from day to night. I've been repeating Mozart's violin sonata for months, and yesterday I was very glad to have some nature-matching change.
But it returned to a super sunny day so I had to switch back to K. 377 (just thinks about the first movement's rushing triplets makes my hand shaky).
Another good thing I noticed this afternoon was, people from the office residing at the end of hallway that I use to leave the building finally removed their "disgusting" Halloween decorations! My pressure is gone! ヽ(´ー`)ノ

New falling-in-love music summary, which includes past releases!


The first real Mitsuda album in my music library (as I have a few of his works from Shadow Hearts series). Regardless I know how people say his music is great, I hardly know any of the games that he's involved.
I never imaged I'd really love this album either, due to I have no touch on the Chrono Trigger -- except Noriko's "Radical Dreamers", which was one contributing to increase my interest in it. The other reason, was exactly the same as how I began to pay attention to Shikata Akiko, the album jacket! I loved the couloring and then added it to my play-list!
I wished Noriko could sing "Radical Dreamers" again here, although the new singer is good too.
-- Right after the first track's introduction begin to flow, I said "it's like the France(?) island's BGM in Shadow Hearts 2!" xD
Sakuraba Motoi / Chopin - Trusty Bell OST

Sakuraba Motoi, another well-known composer who I had no interest due to the lack of knowledge in related games. Recently, after dying in Tenjin Elementary School endlessly, I wanted some mood change so I finally began "Trusty Bell" aka "Eternal Sonata" (I clearly remember the trigger was Mendelssohn's string sinfonia No. 11's 2nd movement, and that's the truth!).
As one who does have Chopin in her favourite classical composer list, I couldn't say no to it -- No matter how much "incompatible" I feel in terms of the settings (which I'll probably complain further after the final clear but not here).
As I've been playing such a game, and thus I can add the OST into my library as well. Except some rare cases, game OSTs are the best for people who have played the game, I believe.
But maybe among the 4 CDs, my favourite piece is of course Chopin's work. Not as crazy as how I collect multiple versions for my favourite Mozart works, I still don't have a satisfiying version of his "Raindrop" -- they are all too fast to me; and now I'm happy (even though I can't put this into my classical folder ^^;).
Mitose Noriko - tSoLE

Actually I haven't got time to even try the full edition... orz
But the youtube's trailer version sounded so good, so I believe I'll love this mini album.
Besides, after Centifolia, Mille-Feuille, Nostalgia, and Love Songs, she's having another best album coming next month. She has confirmed that will be mainly focusing on "art" songs in "abnormal" languages, and quite a lot of what she mentioned are all available somewhere.. So I might not have intention at all to buy it. I want Yorlga 2!! °A°
I extended my LipAura's screen to an additional monitor, and it looks good!

✯ Saving proves your existence

Since 2, or maybe 3 weeks ago, I was very stressed whenever I pass by the end of the hallway, which leads to the side door of building. There's only one reason created the uneasy aura, Halloween was coming. All glass-walls of an office located at the end of that hallway was colourfully decorated. Indeed colourful, the fluffy "XXX" in bright orange and black -- I don't want to spell that out by all means.
So that's why Halloween is complicated in my mind. I don't really understand why that belongs to one of the motifs. I'm okay with any other kinds of decoration: ghost or zombie or even licker or Nemesis, just no that.
Hope from next week the pressure will go away. u_u
Meanwhile, as it's Halloween time, there's probably no better timing to bring up this topic:
Corpse Party -BLOOD DRIVE-
Like I showed last time, I eventually decided to play this game and just received it 2 weeks ago. On last Saturday, after spending a week, I made the 100% completion, perhaps the fastest game I ever did during non-holiday time. (I could have talked about it last week, but it was delayed until tonight.)
As a conclusion of this series, I'm satisfied. So here I want to have a super post here, with my irresponsible playing thoughts, complaints, as well as spoilers.


One-liner plot summary: Ayumi takes care of the mutated Tenjin Elementary School and regains the existence of her late friends.
Useful characters:
Ayumi: always be reckless but sadly she has heroine's divine talisman.
Yoshiki: he knows to think before going into action and thus is heroine's unrequited supporter.
Kuon: this world will end without her.
Useless characters:
Yuka: can be simply deceived and causes more trouble.
Satoshi & Naomi: I don't understand what they contribute in this story at all -- when Yoshiki is fighting in the "otherworld", Satoshi is surrounded by his harem.
Aiko & Inumaru: by the end we just know more about her and Sayaka and Naho.
Surprisingly, Kuroko Seiko barely shows up.
and I want to declare that Naho is really my favourite character in this series! (・ω・`)

Traumatic Deaths

Blood Drive definitely beats "Naomi-in-infirmary"! >__<
1. chapter 4, Yoshiki in pool; kept dying over one hour.
2. chapter 9, the second axe-pendulum; around 20 minutes.
Thankfully the game staff did provide candles right before them (although the pool one has a long event)!
Therefore, I'll probably won't touch chapter 4 again, at least up to that pool part. orz

Unsolved mysteries

1. how come a regular plastic bag can hold an entire human's body?! (EX1)
2. Kuon's background.
3. Why an axe, even an old one, can break after cutting a rope?
4. Letters written under the three hanged men.
5. Paired phrases for the last-boss battle (there's no hint at all for how to pair them!).

System, etc.

1. loading is way too slow, and bug is too frequent (even after v1.2 patch)! °A°
2. you can run, but not very long (stamina consumption is much quicker than in Silent Hill).
3. with no flashlight, it's darker than Silent Hill.
4. The tutorial isn't very helpful. That I didn't know how to turn on/off the flashlight as well as how to do the 10x speed text skip until chapter 4. ^^;
5. the so-called "damage-floor" is annoying; evil spirits run too fast.
6. as the last of series, why not provide a end list in the bonus? I remember Book of Shadows has it!
7. some "well-known" name tags are waiting to be collected, including two (this guy and this guy) from the develop team; this also implies this game draws the final conclusion.
8. length of each main and extra chapter isn't well balanced.
9. soundtracks are great!

Déjà Vu

Although I acknowledge some devices are popular in general, the following brought up my memories immediately.
1. to find batteries in order to extend flashlight -- Kyoufu Taikan Juon -- but out of batteries doesn't cause game over!
2. the encroached organs -- Saya no Uta & Silent Hill -- it's obvious.

3. various death scenes in which someone's head getting cut off -- Puella Magi -- they're all mami-ed!
4. the red pyramid-ish thing... -- Silent Hill -- Mr. Pyramid's Corpse Party cousin, and the mini-3D model looks cute! lol
5. the true end, last scene -- Angel Beats! -- is this only me? xD
6. hide into a closet, but unfortunately fails -- Aooni -- aooni opens the door.
7. Ayumi's time loop after other fellows die in chapter 6 -- SIREN NT -- not the original SIREN.
8. Satsuki's "blooming" head -- Biohazard 5 -- majini~
9. the "key words" for the last-boss battle -- Hareyakanaru Sora no Yukue -- Katakiri Rekka's album
This afternoon, I saw the PV of "Yomawari". The BGM is so beautiful! Although there's no BGM at all in game, after watching someone's stream play, I want to play it as well! It sort of reminds me "Majo no Ie".
While my first impression is Alice (in wonderland) dresses in red and joins a horror film!

✿ Accumulated This and That

This year is definitely warmer, as there's no snow yet, and it's still above zero.
Although a good sign is it's getting colder recently, the stronger wind is also annoying.
While winter is coming, squirrels are preparing for the winter. During this week I've seen so many of them. But too bad I couldn't catch a single good snap. They run so quick and I'm never prepared with my camera for such swift little things.
-- And I must be the type who has a slow metabolic rate, as right now I'm still code cold.

Speaking about code...

↑ Can't stop agreeing with it, and this post made me want to read "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" again. I read it many years ago that I don't remember any details about it. But I do know it's of my interest.
Meanwhile, I tend to get confused between this and Frankenstein; I don't know why.

Milk is never a key item!

Last week I, after a long while (not less than 10 month), was making a castella. Not only that I don't remember anything regarding to the recipe, I even made a mistake while retrieving it from my quick recipe reference stock.
For some reason, I completely ignored the existence of milk. However, it turned out well as normal. And I didn't think there was any difference in terms of the taste as how I baked it before.
Actually, I even didn't realise the lack of milk until about 28 hours after; yet I was thinking that I could finally use up that box of milk and then to get some more fresh earlier on that day.
At least it didn't change the result, maybe I should take milk out of this recipe from now on?

Silent Hill and Shakespeare and German

Continued from my not-ended-yet Silent Hill Zero, I wanted to know more about "The Tempest". I don't deny that Silent Hill made me of more interest of reading his works. Similarly, I ever went through his comedies back to 2000, but I don't have a super brain so I barely remember any of even the main plot, except "The Merchant of Venice", which I read in a simple English version.
Off-topic: Silent Hill's riddles are much more serious than Biohazard. I love the headache 3 weeks fighting with the Shakespeare riddle with Heather in the bookstore! xD
This time, when I got his original "The Tempest", I was like in an endless hole. The old English was such a pain to me that I kept looking up the dictionary (fortunately it's easy on kindle), and quickly forget what they mean... orz But I indeed understood, that why English and German share the same ancestor. Modern English has evolved so much, but modern German still resembles the old English.
A "bad" metaphor, English is the influenza virus and German is the cyanobacteria.

Great News

1. Shimizu Takashi + Kawai Kenji will be involved in Biohazard's 2017 full-CG film!
They're so good at horror films, but I'm also a bit worried (or curious?) how the film will be like. Obviously Biohazard series is transforming from survival horror to action.
2. By a random search today, I found Murakami Haruki's new book is available on amazon.com! I was almost switching my region to Japan in order to buy the kindle edition there. Good thing that I haven't done so.
And, amazon.com's version is also cheaper than amazon.co.jp!
So please also get more of his novels in Japanese for kindle too! Japanese novels have to be read in Japanese! (I know the hope is weak as even amazon.co.jp doesn't have them.)
Moreover, Suga Shikao is releasing his new album in January next year. It may be unexpected that I love his music. In fact, after falling in love with "19-sai", I tried more of his music and thought, "even merely from the title, there's an Murakami Haruki-ish aura". Later on when I learned that he's also a Murakami fan, I was pleased. People who like the same thing will eventually connect somehow. (¯―¯”)

Recent Orders (Cont.)

As I initialised it a month and half ago, I want to give it a conclusion.
Also, I should say this only include my physical purchases -- there's no fun to "photo" digital buys anyway.
No. 3.2
-- used copy from ebay, remember to disinfect it with ethanol!

I insist that the HOMECOMING cover looks like Harry Potter, although I fell asleep during the first time watching its first film and never touched that series again.
No. 4 & 6
Alto x Soprano

I have trouble reaching the last hole with my 4th finger (of course on the alto)! (´Д⊂ヽ
No. 5
Shikata Akiko -- wokashi

No. 7
Japanese confection and other straps.

Cute is justice. (´・ω・`)
By the way, the Nyan-plug isn't for me, so I didn't unpack it.
No. 8
Just arrived yesterday, Corpse Party -BLOOD DRIVE-

Because lots of CP fans didn't give it a positive critique, I got the physical copy instead of the digital download, as I might want to sell it in future, although not that likely...
It's not the end yet, but will end soon!!
P.S. I was trying to make a record on last Monday but eventually I failed. As I was on gaming mode again.
The secret to play a RPG with a 200% enjoyment is to get a good walkthrough site for the gears and avoid being spoiled. Different from that I like to count my deaths in survival horror, I never want to die in a RPG battle. :3

❈ Izayoi no Yumekakushi

Good to realise that tomorrow evening will be the actual Izayoi!


I began working on that earlier in the middle of August, with the cross-fade "wokashi" sample. I was deeply in the ambience of the vocal version of "otoshimono", and thus letting my mind drifting freely, while my hand then made the draft. Of course I did hear Akiko sings "Nii-sama", but I believed that two girls are a better choice. Although the characters were done quickly, I spent quite long to figure out what kind of background I should have. Apparently simple and repeated patterns wasn't fitting well. Initially I tried to refer to some shrine photos, but at some point, I changed my mind to fill the final work with all red.
Red sky, moon, and lycoris.
The title was, as usual, given with a purposely imposed background. I myself say it is a mixture of concepts from various songs: Izayoi - mentioned in "otoshimono", (somehow) lycoris - mentioned in "wokashi", the houzuki lantern - like that of xxxHOLiC so that's for "hyakki yakou", lanterns on the river - mentioned in "tama no fune", the entire red makeup is similar to the "wokashi" album cover's colour, and it's also has a bit from "akakakushi" (which is where I derived the title from).
A side point, for drawing stars in the sky, I really found a star map first as a real reference -- although they probably have a different position to the moon compared to the reality.
Once I began to draw the background by myself, I can't stop doing it in future works as it's such a big fun!

Silent Hill 0, Small but good

Just finished SH0 this afternoon. Japanese PSP version so I don't have to struggle with the North America's reversed X and O button. After all these horror games, I've got a habit, that to keep pressing O in order to not miss any item.
-- and I can't stop putting Silent Hill and Biohazard together in the following part.
It's definitely not a good idea to do a no-save + no-map Silent Hill 0 run in a Sunday evening, especially that I've merely only cleared this game for one time. So I gave up for no-save, and will only focus on no-map + UFO end.
In the world of Biohazard, once you make to the end of the first time clear, maps are basically useless in following rounds, but it's completely not true in Silent Hill. First, it's just so dark that I can't see where the door is, which is really true in otherworlds; and second, the camera angle isn't fixed, making me -- who has no sense of direction -- get lost always. My first time clear record told me I opened the map for ~750 times during the ~5 hours of game play; this time, I'll see how many time I need without a map (right now already 1 hour yet I'm still wandering in the sanitarium orz).
Regardless being developed by the non-classic Silent Hill team, SH0 isn't that bad actually. While the worst to be the lack of radio-control, that confuses me every time when the camera angle changes, it's still Silent Hill, although not as scary as the main 1-4, plus it's a too short. Think about my other SH plays at the first time, none was cleared without spending over 13 hours! (But since it's on PSP, perhaps thus it's supposed not to be too long?).
There's no rank for how many monsters you kill, so in a sense it's much easier. With my experience in Biohazard, I'm now pretty good at passing by them to save my ammo. Besides, you can actually beat with your fist. So practical that I even feeling "it must hurt a lot" when I see Travis use his fists... Yet the "fragile" weapon system is indeed worth being poked in. I understand the glass bottles and such are easily to break, but why so do wrenches and hammers? Plus, due to my happy passing-by journey and my careful inspection of every corner of the map, by the end of game, even just pressing the "→" arrow to the end of the weapon list could take quite a long time. I know Travis is a tough guy, but without Doraemon's 4D pocket, how can he carry all of them? More often during the second half, as long as Travis picks up a new weapon, I said in my mind, "I know only you can take all of them, superman!" xD
The riddle dealing with the male seclusion and pills is interesting, and I don't get the meaning of those "reason of death" photos.
The Pyramid Head's SH0 cousin "the butcher", he's merely a mid-boss after all. I got rid of him quickly with a rifle and the same method as how Leon fights the Tyrant in the "golden gear" room in Biohazard 2. No tension, I was rather amused by how slow he moves.
I'm now in love with the hidden weapon moon gauntlet (reminds me Shadow Hearts this time). And you can now hear I laughing insanely when I get rid of a monster. "It's just way too strong! I'm invincible!" ← The reality is, I still can't avoid the monster attack.
Moreover, I also love the pumpkin flashlight available in bonus options. Silent Hill is getting more colours! A good match with Vincent's outfit as in SH3!
Final words, Alessa in SH0 looks so bad that I never have a desire to chase her if I were Travis..

Real Nyan-Made Sculpture

Last evening when I walked downstairs, she was there sitting quietly, and I was startled by her staring!
Then I went to get my camera and when I was back, she was still there. That's how I could have a few nice shots including this~

The clear blue of her eyes is so beautiful!

❈ wokashi, finally

To get a good cover image, I went to amazon.co.jp and hit on Akiko's newest release "wokashi". Then I happily noticed, it's out of stock already! I'm so glad I preordered it back to the end of July, so I got the even rarer animate limited edition.
As I said earlier, I did consider getting the wokashi special edition, but it doesn't include the bonus CD (and my other series of weird orders made my wallet rejected that plan).
Anyway, I'm happy, although I've stopped making my own rips and simply get others' rips instead long time ago.
↓ I still love to touch the real thing. What a colourful snap (and my cellphone straps fit well)! The only bad thing is the CD cover is made by paper, so I had to find another plastic bag in order to protect it.
The translucent spine-print (or whatever it's called) looks gorgeous. I usually use these spine-paper as bookmarks, but for this one, I decided to keep it together with the CD. <3
↓ with the limited bonus CD plus the B5 (or A5? I didn't measure) size folder. I'll be happier if that's in A4 though. B5 is useless for my stuff!

When I first saw this image from her official twitter posts, I was wondering why that's a guy. But now, after looping "otoshimono" for over 200 times, I'm wondering whether he's that "nii-sama" as from the lyrics although I believe "nee-sama" will be a better choice. (・ω・`)
↓ I can't help on the unbalanced amount of comments foreach song!
1. をかし / wokashi
Complainant first, why it has 5 sharps, which means I can't play its main melody (yet)!! (゚д゚#)
But the song itself has nothing to be complained. An excellent "opening" song -- I also like the cat jumping out in the promotion video.
2. オトシモノ / otoshimono
After 20-ish times of play, I eventually got used to the "normal" melody flow instead of the hybrid version with "wokashi". ^^;
The deep desired vocal version since this year's beginning. There's no reason for me not to loop it first. Not to mention that I've already looped its short sample endlessly before the release.
However, when I came to the second half of the lyrics, I suddenly realised, this is a horror song, really, with the integration of a strong aura of "brother-complex" but that "nii-sama" is merely a 10-year-old kid, not moe at all. At least to depict someone as ikemen as Leon! xDD. This song just made me want to play Zero series (especially 2) again. ><
As usual the emphasised cello near the end is erotic!
3. 百鬼夜行 / hyakki yakou
For sure "hyakki yakou" is a magical title! A very brisk song that made me laugh a lot. I even double checked whether she put her name in hiragana only. But not.
Toward the end there's a short part reminds me of Ar Tonelico 2's hymmnos. I really appreciate the lyrics got furigana or I'd took fairly a long while to figure out that page of the booklet (even though I still got lost at that part!).
In contrast, its orgel version from the bonus CD is so different. Quiet, sweet and even a bit sad. At first I didn't believe they're the same track. After quite much of listening, I did find out the main melody of orgel ver. is indeed present or hide in the rich arrangement.
By the way, I just love the sound of koto at the very last to death!
4. 輝夜 / kagaya (I suppose)
Koto here is delicious. But this song is so Akiko-standard that I'm not having any special comments on it.
5. 花鳥風月 / ka-chou-fuu-getsu
The hiragana Akiko's cute work! Sort of like the "library" song in Laylania but has less laugh (?). "Hyakki yakou" already stole my heart.
6. 風薫る / kaze kaoru
Nakagawa Ken?! Long time no see! (Short on words but I'm positive :3)
7. 籠の鳥 / kago no tori
The arrangement is the darkest among the whole album. I'm thinking whether Noriko would give even darker lyrics. >> Dark songs ftw!
Regardless, I also want to say, everyone loves kazoeuta!
ex. 1 青藍 / seiran
one line comment: I wish it can be longer!
Now, something that almost made me cry.
Believing in that not getting the unlimited rocket launcher means the game is unfinished, I challenged to do biohazard 1 within 3 hours with Chris. I've done the game for so many times (including Jill's side) so the flow itself wasn't a problem; it's still not easy either. Chris is weird, why such a big man can only carry 6 items?? But I had no other choice, Jill's HP is too low, I don't really dare to pass by the zombies with her. orz
I played while checking the time, and even saving the time to obtain ink ribbons and "extra" herbs (as I know I won't die). I even yelled during the movie scenes "why can't I skip? you don't know I'm doing a time attack?". xD
And the result was...

3 hours and 1 second!!! I was nervous before seeing this, and when I actually saw it, I didn't know I should laugh or cry. (。>﹏<。)
Only 1 second late made me extremely unsatisfied, so after my retry, fine, 2 hours 59 minutes and 47 seconds. Almost fail but I was safe!
And now I can finally say I graduated from biohazard 1.
(again, "yumede owarasenai" is always good, and radio control is much better in games with fixed camera angles).
Last thing,

Opera's new animated themes are awesome, now I can always enjoy the rain~ (npp windows was placed in the middle in order to hide my speed dials)

♤ 根性ひゃくぱー

Like Joachim, I believe I also have 3 phases: normal, yuri/moe and zombie (and if Shadow Hearts series has PS3 digital download version that'll be a definitely buy!). Right now I must be the zombie. No exaggeration, continuing doing that for 10 days made all my bones locked.
>> The trade-off for 100% willpower is, to have 0% of HP left.
If I decide to do something, I'll for most of times complete it quick without much delay, but in contrast, if I leave it behind, no one knows how long it can be.
This applies to what I just did as well. I bought it 5 years ago, and did less than 1%, until last week. I eventually decided to give it a conclusion otherwise I can leave it for another 5 years. So that my tank of willpower was full, which made me rushed to the end in 10 days.
-- and just now I got an email from Animate saying my copy of "wokashi" has been shipped, which means my currently pending drawing is again late (regardless it's like 85% done)! xD;;
But at least I did something.

note: look at the photo's file name ._.
10 days, and I think I'm not slow. I've been leaving my other things aside only for that, and I didn't think I can hold for another week. Maybe it's true for most people, that when you're desperate, your mind may have so many unusual thoughts. During the second half of doing this, my mind wasn't expecting a beautiful piece; instead, I kept thinking, "the butterflies must be extremely poisonous, see these bright colour combinations!"
When I managed to finish everything by 16:00 today, suddenly all my nerve cells began to go hibernation. Now I feel my hands have lost all their sense on how to type on a laptop's keyboard. I know I need a break. Although it's to be ironed, I don't have any more interest to do it, at least not today. More importantly, I get to ask my mum how to iron it as I can't do ironing properly. orz
However, to be honest, the happiest thing after it's done was: I can finally cut my fingernails. I had to keep them or the entangled threads could drive me hysterical.
I'm not going to write much today, my brain is already blank. If there's anything doesn't make sense, that's not my fault. ( _ ) ゚ ゚

♧ It's Literally End of Summer!! (・∀・)モエッ

I saw this tweet in the very morning, and liked it so much so I'm embedding it here:
the reason is this. Anyway, he made me want to refeel Higurashi! xD -- Although I don't think I'll actually watch it again. The last time I watch an anime was probably back to this February.

DNS Unlocker? WTF!!

I don't know how. But that annoying thing just made its way onto my working PC. At first I saw the interface of a program running in the system tray. I didn't pay attention and simply assumed it's a junk software came along some free package. I went to control panel and uninstalled it, but the real mess began after. More and more often I got pop-ups/embedded ad's that couldn't be blocked by my only one browser Opera; eventually I noticed the poisonous name appearing beside.
It took a few days when I reached the conclusion that it's a virus/malware/whatever -- I've been quite calm while dealing with such things actually. So I did a quick scan and it detected an unknown bug. Of course I selected to remove it, and even reinstalled Opera. However, seemed this time the crappy bug liked this PC and resisted to go.
As previous uninstallation didn't work, and Opera's extension manager didn't list it, I decided to google for some others' experiences.
-- And quickly learned it's useless.
Most most search results told me to install this or that, which are all a sort of antivirus software. No way! I was already like a cat with flatten ears; if the only thing I could do was to install another sound-like-rubbish-or-even-another-virus "antivirus" program, I'd rather to reinstall the whole OS.
So, before I proceed to the awkward yet effective ultimate resort, I gave myself a last try.
If people, or even Microsoft itself, say that Microsoft Security Essentials isn't that good, I don't care. I've been using it all the time since 2009 and had no security issue (until now?).
To not only maintain my trust toward this program, as well as to not bother with finding/trying/evaluating a third party alternative, this time I gave it a full scan, which I hardly perform (it's not my own computer, so I'm lazy). Again, the same bug was there. It looked like the previous removal request didn't work, or somehow it got a second life. Whatever, I took one more step by looking at the "details".
Perhaps at that moment I knew what to do. It did say "to remove these folders immadiately" with a list of about 7 virus-like directory names, all under "C:\Program Files (x86)". So that's the real reason? I couldn't tell, but I did know how to permanently remove them.
Things afterwards were straightforward. Reboot, re-full-scan (nothing), uninstall and reinstall Opera just in case, and search in registry for "unlocker" just in case (again).
No more installation of unknown programs, no wipe out of OS, no much of hassle, and a happy end.

A Fresh Return

In last month, I tried out Chromixium and wanted to stay with it. But in last Wednesday, I eventually switched back to Linux Mint 17.2.
Hope I'm not like an idiot. orz
A couple of main reasons. 1) I can't make it to get used to an icon free desktop, 2) a better geared up mint should handle more tasks easier, 3) better compatibility, in terms of both soft and hard wares. P.S. the built in colourful icon sets are good!
Yet a few missing goods. 1) the cute icon set, 2) a less demanding running, 3) which is also the most important, a fully functioning fcitx-mozc. It's working on mint, but I can't bring out its settings and have to use ONLY the romaji mode -- I want kana input mode!!
I got Anthy worked with kana mode, but it's not as flexible as mozc (like by typing "kao" you can get tons of kaomoji). u_u
At least, I finally figured out how to separate the most of linux stuff from your home directly so you can switch between different versions. My future updates/try-outs/etc. will be less tiresome as I don't need to copy my stock music/videos any more!
I'm never a real penguin user; I use windows 99% of time. So a kana-less Japanese IME doesn't really hurt. ^^;

Recent Orders

No. 1

A "kamikaze" hachimaki!!
However, it's too wide while using in a normal way. So I decided to use it as a hairband.
No. 2.1

Shimotsukin 10th anniversary Premium box! with her real signature!!! ≧▽≦

And another thing a piano can do nicely~
I initially wanted to make my own rips, but quicked dropped off the idea. There're 6 discs!! I don't want to wait and just hear my disc drive spinning. So I got a digital copy from someone else's rip.. ><''
No. 2.2

For Silent Hill, I'm okay to play EU or NA versions (with a desperate fight against the inverted X and O though), but I can't stand with how Biohazard is titled in non-Japan areas so I keep buying the JP version (thankfully that PS3 discs are region free! <3).
No. 3.1

And really it comes the expected desperate fight for the X and O switch. I'll see... ~_~
There're a few more items will be coming/released shortly, so I'll have a "part 2" when they're all gathered up~

Scattered Small Cuts

- Last week it was mostly smokey, due to the wild fire from the west. I feel so bad for the trees, and nothing else.
- So far, I've managed to handle the basics of C,G,D,A,d minor (let me use it instead of F!!),B♭ and E♭. Surprisingly the one with the lowest compatibility is B♭! I myself don't understand, that how come the skipped over E♭ is easier?! The blessing of Umineko? :3
- Over the past two months, I've been completely owned by my roommate's cat! <333 And I've changed my mind again: I'll have at least two cats in future, and I'll call them Piccolo and Viola. As my mom also wants a dog, s/he will be called Timpani! xDDD
- Today's (wired) internet was even slower than James May! °A°