音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❀ twin's duologue

So, continue from yesterday.
I know I can't let myself being darker anymore, and it's actually the best enjoyment to "look at yourself turning dark"!!
Seems I'm not turned to white yet, huh...
To try stain myself white again, I have completely stopped playing toxic doujin dark music and switched to those with brighter aura.
Of course, binaria was included.
However, being with binaria, which will always bring me a feeling of nostalgia for their old releases. Their activity is rather less comparing with a few years ago. (They haven't even added "bottle" under their "music" tab, orz) Here I'm not considering their contributation in "fantamusica" at all. Why they didn't just perform the two songs themselves instead? There is nothing good for Ms.Ikezawa (and who is this?) singing them! (つд⊂)
Anyway, by chance or something? I just visited their website this morning, then see what I saw on top:

New banner, finally!
which means...
I was a bit worried when I first saw it's about an event--binaria under the starry autumn sky--I know I'm never able to attend. NOOO, even binaria is turning me dark!! XDD
At least the last section looks really exciting.
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Audition for new release "twin's duologue"
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It will be released with this year's autumn M3-xx (and xx=?), according to Annalog.
Look at the title, twin's duologue.
How fantastic! Enough to remind me that equation: abstract yuri = bel x nagi
So, the final conclusion is, I will be turned to white with this new release? which means I can be as much dark as I want before that? lol
which also means my next blog background will be starry sky again?! But this time I gonna tune it to pink! :3
--and binaria-limited negative ion will then balance everything.

❀ Denpa Release!!☆

Even I'm supposed to make a personal review for Noriko's "vierge automatique", I've already lost the mood because I was taken into funk-world again. Yet, I'm not a real funk-fun; I just like Sugar quite a lot. So, "19-sai" of course, since the time I got most of his albums, I got to love his "Loveless" as well! In love with "Loveless", weird? :3
You DO believe it can snow about 10 days of a rainy+rainbow day, don't you? -v-
Therefore, it snowed in last night!--maybe shouldn't use therefore, but, recently, JUST LET ME BE FULLY-CHARGED DENPA!!--and after the longest day (from 6AM to 7PM!), I got the best reward today:

what a wonderful sky~
I also tried to use the "panorama" function on my phone, and the final picture was actually good! Even not perfect--it would be rather surprising if the final pic IS perfect--no one would need pro cameras then!
However, why I believe the song "Loveless" fits this kind of sky perfectly? Because I'm in dark already? But not bad, thanks to that perfect ambience match, I spent 20 more minutes on my way home! XDD
**echo: もう黒化してはいけません~~**

✿ When Seagulls Cry, My World Breaks

*I tried to write this post at last night, but I was too sleepy to finish, thus I don't need to worry about modifying the posting timestamp as well. xD
When I loop Akiko's Umineko series, especially that song, that means I'm broken, turn to dark, or merely in a good umineko mood whatever this sort. Should I tell you I'm not that evil in fact?!
Anyway... when I finished the final episode, I was like this↓

(I'm in despair of sucking animes with superb songs!)
I just don't understand how the staff could make such a stupid anime!! °A°
I don't know how the original game is like, so here, everything I complain is only toward the anime itself. If that's the same as original world, I'll also blame the game.
They all say Higurashi and Umineko are sister-games/animes. I don't deny. The first 5 Umineko episodes are comparable to Higurashi. But, the rest episodes, in other words, more than half of this anime is totally ridiculous!! I remember I dropped this anime a couple years ago, because of the extremely silly story. Maybe I can call it a miracle that I eventually finished this anime yesterday. Maybe I was brain-washed by its lunatic electromagnetic wave. It's just an obligation to show my respect for Ms. Akiko Shikata and that song..
However, the worst is, I didn't get the point how and why they started the game, plus there isn't a real ending--or enough hints--that can satisfy me!! Am I slow (but I never admit!)? Toward the second half of this anime, I kept asking "what the heck is the story?!" I do believe this anime is made by unusual alien signals. So abrupt that I can't accept. -_-'
I guess the staff is ignoring to make the story complete but more willing to depict twisted human face/body/etc, no matter being killed or turn to evil. orz.. One thing I almost forgot, which is the staff tried to completely mess up the umineko world. I don't like how they integrated so many moe-elements into the anime. I don't mine moe, but they just don't match at all!! Σ(゚Д゚)
Therefore, I feel like that I was deceived (maybe I should say lured? xD) by Akiko, like how I was deceived by Avalon--which made me looking at the staff list for 5 minutes with "Log off" to expect some epilogue but there was no such a thing!
It was all Akiko's fault! Her songs are so incredible and therefore I entered umineko's ridiculous world.
Even though, there are a few things I'd like to see always: The reflection of Higurashi and others.
I kind of think Beatrice is like Saber due to her hairstyle. Yet being a witch, Yuuko would be my best choice.
I'd also like to point out that, see the characters, Shiki from Tsuki-Hime, Kokutou from Kara no Kyoukai, and George from Umineko... seems Kenichi Suzumura always voices for such nice-guys with glasses! lol
Then, of course, you know Rika... well, I never came to memorize her name in this show...
Lady 34... I mean Takano Miyo, loli version! :P
Next, is this Rena? If not, their feelings are pretty similar. Actually this is my favorite witch portrait~ :3
Finally, Kaaaai, omochi kaeri!! XDDD
I probably don't need Umineko the anime, what I need is to loop Akiko's umineko series a bit longer. ( ̄д ̄)

✿ カナリヤ機械-canari automatique-

Mitose Noriko's new album "vierge automatique" is awesome! I've looped it for days!!
However, I'm not satisfied by the booklet. It's too simple and dull.
Thus, I got the idea, to make my own booklet for this album, and see how the images I get match the songs. So that's the first drawing, which is for my favorite song: Kanariya Ningyou.
The song is obviously in a dark aura, so is the background. Form the lyrics, I made sets of gear cogs and got them in various gradient colours. Even though my original idea was to making a mirror, or groups of mirrors, like Rozen Maiden, but it's too hard so I gave up. xD

✿ 宇宙が…

Based on KOKIA's song under the same title: 宇宙が…
and characters are still the best yuri pair: Mihane x Chisato :P

♡ Being Pointless #2

Because I'm too bored today, I named my pipettes like below:

Hope the text is clear enough to see, and I'll write down them here: Amaterasu, Susanowo and Tsukuyomi!
So I'd like to call them The Pipette Magi The Pipette Sankishin!! =v=
I did think about using Magi, but I finally chose Sankishin--mostly because of the worse and worse One-eyed Eden Series. (Maybe I was not in that mood, but I'm still happy I didn't want to buy it at any time.)

so, this time, it's 4:46 collection...

❅ Being Pointless

Evil Thursday!
I mean my TA session is still from 8:30 to 11:30, which is exactly like last winter term, which means I have to get up at 6:00. But I'm a half-owl!!! orz
So does it mean I should re-tune my inner clock? u_u
Yet I enjoy being awake at silent nights and watching horror animes.
I do admit that's a good excuse to do nothing on Thursday because we have regular lab mtg in the afternoon which will interfere what you do on this day anyway.I bet actually no one really loves the mtg except the boss...
Now something exciting...

↑ 2/3 of my late-August orders arrived--and my Noriko copy is on its way--sweet! Though I'll only have enough time for the DVD in next long weekend. ^^;;
Also for Akiko's Umineko. There were only 3 in stock when I ordered mine. Today, when I finally received the disc, I went to amazon.co.jp again, and found that this item was out of stock! Therefore, I'm wondering who ordered the rest two after me! xD

↑ Autume just came so suddenly. You haven't even noticed it, and the world is mostly in golden. Each time when I take a snap, the melody of FJ YUUKA's "blessing" comes into my mind.
Speaking of FJY, I should go watching Fate/Zero~ and it's not for Yuki of course!
*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:**・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*:.。. .。.:*