音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

❋ White is Right?

My transformation seemed OK, although there was an odd phenomenon that I could see bacteria in the negative control group. I ever thought I added ampicillin when medium was still too hot, so I made medium again. However, neither the new-made medium nor the liquid medium which was added antibiotic when cold, I all got bacteria in even the negative control group.
“Did my froze seed-bacteria was mixed with anti-antibiotic ones?”
I doubted myself sometimes, though I didn’t think so.
“Or, is my operating very poor?”
Also I ever got such doubts.
Nevertheless, I believe that there is no any flaw in my operating, so that there should be something I didn’t know still.
This afternoon, I asked Doctor Fumiyoshi, one of my seniors.
“Did you ever use these tubes of ampicillin?”
“Yes, just used this noon. What’s wrong?”
“Well, I, think they are invalid…”
“That’s really, because I always get positive results in negative control groups recently. For our bacteria strain was bought-merchandise, I just start to doubt the ampicillin…”
“Did you make them?”
“No, not me.”
“In this case it seems little troublesome. If they do have any problem, no one would know.”
“Surely, I also think so.”
“Now, you’ll make some new, wouldn’t you?”
“OK, I know.”
“Remember that you may dissolve with sterilized ultrapure water!”
“No problem!”
Then, some minutes later.
“Have you found that the froze ampicillin should be white?”
Fumiyoshi said to me while opening the door of refrigerator.
“Er, I have not…”
At once I made some new fresh ampicillin, and used it to culture some bacteria; then I put it into refrigerator.
At evening, I opened my box, got out the ampicillin tube. Sure enough, what in the tube had turned to white. Moreover, the noon-cultured bacteria also failed to grow.
And I got another little experience.