音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✿ Nervous on Unseen Littles

Hey! At last my final thesis got ended! Congratulates!
At the period I learned lots, and they are all what I can’t get from textbooks. Now I have numerous thanks toward my lab, Room 701, 703, School of Life Science.
However, I still have some unfinished experiments, so I went to lab in the afternoon and run a PCR.
Every time when I do molecular biology experiments, in spite of how much confidences I have, I used to worry about if I can get correct results.
Molecular biology is really mysterious.
I remember the time when I performed RT-PCR. Before that day, I just isolated total RNA from rape. For my lab not often go around RNA, I haven’t use so-called specific “RNA-only” instruments to do RNA electrophoresis, although there were prepared instruments. I was in my pace peacefully while reverse transcription and cDNA based PCR amplification, but at the moment of view the gel by Gel Imager, I turned to afraid of it.
But thankfully, my RT-PCR was very successful!
Like that If I added correct reagents? Does it have no problem? Can I see what I wanted? Or that was cDNA transcripted? Are there plasmids really in that Eppendorf tube? Can I see directly DNA pellet? Can bacteria re-grow by adding only a few ice dusts of froze sample into medium?
There are always lots of worries, so my heart also beating and bobbing. No matter of electrophoresis or microbe growth, I excite when I got the correct results.
Oh! That’s mysterious! That unseen bio-molecules centered molecular biology!