音時雨 ~Regentropfen~

✾ アルト・Alto

By accident or kismet, I was an alto in both elementary school and high school.
Because we were children, without any audition, our elementary music teacher just divided us into the high/low voice part by the “high-left/low-right” rule. Of course, I became an alto because I sat at the right side of out teacher. However, maybe then I was only a child, I didn’t have enough confidence to sign as an alto. In my memory, I’ve experienced too much like that “it’s not the main melody,” “we always tend to follow the soprano,” “our melody sounds strange, and not easy to be learned,” etc.
Later, after a 3-year long span without singing in middle school, I applied the choir of my high school. Our high school is a little famous at least in my city, and our teacher was an excellent conductor as well as a pianist (he’s retired a few years ago). He was gentle, and his smile looked so nice! He did all auditions for newcomers by his own, and then divided us into high or low voice parts. I remember clearly, when I followed his musical scale, he gave me a smile and marked a “S1” besides my name. It means soprano. Finally I may sing as a soprano! How happy was I. But some days later, he gave us another attention at the first activity. “I have to make a balance between the high and low part, so I regulated some of you into a different part, according to your audition results.” I found my name under the “A1” or “Alto 1” list. Again I’m an alto?! No matter what I wished, how kismet wants to get me as an alto? I felt a bit slumped. Then, the teacher started his speech again. It was his first “welcome speech”; for me, it was also the most important one.
“Some days ago, I did the audition to all you newcomers. The same as before, I suggested these ones who like chorus but don’t have enough quality quit this choir. Now, you who have enough chorus quality can be put into two types. One is single-part-only, and the other is doing-well-in-both-parts. Usually, most females are soprano, and most males are bass. Nevertheless, it’s your natural tone quality, and in choir it’s not absolute. Some sopranos/tenors often sing as altos/basses. Here, one thing I want you to remember. It’s true that low voice parts often do the chording work, you’re not the main melody, but you are as good and important as the high parts. Certainly, singing a low part needs more skill, and such singing cannot be performed well without enough exercises. You’re not the main melody, you may have difficult on learning to sing, you may get many off-keys too, but it’s not chorus without your chording. Everyone who is in the low voice part, you should be proud of you’re an alto or a bass!”
I got it, really. Later in every song, every rehearsal, I understood little by little. I like unison, but I like greater the chording among different melodies. Every time when we are making a perfect seventh chord, I feel the beautifulness of chording. That’s chorus, the rainbow of tones we may touch by ears. Actually, I feel proud of that I’ve ever been an alto.