音時雨 ~Regentropfen~


January 1, 2009 – January 2, 2009
I got the DVD a few days ago, but I finished the watching till today >_<. I went crazy. I re-watched (without any skips) the live two times again in the same day. I got many, many things want to say. I adore YUKI KAJIURA, and I decide, in my next world (if it is still me), I will study music and become a singer under GODDESS YUKI KAJIURA’s holy halo~ So, YUKI KAJIURA, please still be a composer in your next world!
Chapter 1 – the world
Flash blue rays flowing from the background, the famous and familiar chant soaring out, the high-beating drums, the lead violin, the four singers, and our goddess shows up.
The low voice of KEIKO opened the entire perforation (KEIKO wears the hair ornament in PV “sprinter,” and her shirt and skirt are cute~). KEIKO’s low voice is very charming to me (I used to sing as an alto too); then it was the other three’s accompany chording. In the live, songs are re-mixed and added more e-elements. This opening song, the world, sounds richer (maybe because the light effect?) than that in the original OST. In all, it’s a good opening.
Chapter 2 – dream scape
It’s one of my favorites in all FJ series. KAORI’s voice is smooth and vigor. KAORI is in an one-piece, I still love KEIKO’s low voice part, and I also like YURIKO’s high pitch chording. There are many KEIKO-KAORI’s face-to-face scenes. In my mind, it’s so wonderful when they stand together! But, what about WAKANA? Really I still not find more exciting part about her so far. It doesn’t matter, however, in this song, KAORI is the heroine!
Chapter 3 – MC 1
The first YK-talk! She talks many things about her promise of the live, the hot weather, her music and appreciations, and the date of live (she says the date is rather subtle?!). She wished this live may make everyone feeling cool.
Chapter 4 – vanity
Another beautiful song I like best. Red light, not bad, together with the clear piano, I really got the feeling of the coolness in summer days (oh, my! It’s winter when I’m writing -_-||). This time, WAKANA is the heroine! WAKANA’s voice is clear and beautiful (she herself today looks really like a doll!). Again, I catch KEIKO’s chorus melody, plus with YURIKO and KAORI’s. The two, WAKANA and KEIKO, their motions are more than the other two, especially YURIKO (KAORI has almost no more to sing). YURIKO is standing between them, without more motions, and singing her part perfectly. Nice!
Chapter 5 – Liminality
Again comes the blue lights, give us the endless mystery. WAKANA-KEIKO combination (Kalafina original version?) leads out this song. Then YURIKO and KAORI. I LOVE WAKANA’S VOICE! This song sounds a bit sad, like most of Yuki’s works. Of course, we can’t miss YURIKO’s performance (in the live, she looks very… well, very cute, and very noble). WAKANA is as good as YURI KASAHASA, I’m sure about it! Listen to the ending phrase of WAKANA!
Chapter 6 – in the land of twilight, under the moon
Firstly, YURIKO leads out a piece of typical YK melody (sight-reading? Ps. The first three notes misled me into thinking this song would be “Akatsuki no Kuruma” -_-||), and then, Yuki’s piano tells me another familiar and beautiful song: in the land of twilight, under the moon. Now KAORI sings. The cross-shifting lights, heart-beating drums. Very rhythmic! Here I can discern clearly each singer’s part (exciting)! I very enjoy the “lalala” phrase! It’s a so good quartet!
Chapter 7 – MC 2
Yuki talks about her English title (a little troublesome to the others ^-^), and then introduces her singers:
WAKANA: she has a beautiful goddess-type voice, liking sharks (she can talk about the shark without pause in 30 minutes!)
YURIKO KAIDA: she has joined Yuki’s so many pieces that even she herself loss count about them. Her voice is delicate, like an angel. And, she is rather like a male being (should we call her KAIDA-SAN ANIKI)?!
KEIKO: Yuki doesn’t know that KEIKO makes the self-introduction so different from her own thinking (KEIKO should be more shame?). she has the excellent middle-low voice range, very important among all singers. She is fever in tennis (a good player).
KAORI: Yuki praises her singing all the time (Umai, umai, umai~~~). She is just 20; her saying “ganbaruzo~~~” is so cute! Yuki also mentions her one-piece: you’re a girl sure enough ^ ^ (ps. She’s tall)!
Chapter 8 – the main theme of Petit Cossette
This is also one of my favorites! I’ve listened to the entire CD for… not less than 60 times! Of course, YURIKO takes the work to lead out the melody, with KEIKO and KAORI’s chording. In the live, YURIKO adds some different phrases, still beautiful. I can also remind the feeling when I watch the animation. Ha! Yuki also joins into! The background ice-blue light is rounding (charming!). I love YURIKO’s part very much, however, the entire quintet sounds excellent.
Chapter 9 – Houseki (jewel)
I think KEIKO’s performance is better than Marina Inoue, or maybe I just love KEIKO? The others’ chording is perfect! Here, the heroines are KEIKO and KAORI. I seldom hear KAORI sing as the low part, but here, I find she is also good for such part: her voice is flexible. However, I believe WAKANA will always be good at working on main melody part. Hey! I see KAORI and KEIKO turn to each other (why I am so sensitive to such scene?)!
Chapter 10 – fake wings
Well, here I really think Emily is the goddess of “.hack//SIGN.” In live, the song is not as transparent as the original, the version which I far-more prefer. Ok, although KAORI’s leading isn’t so freely, YURIKO saved my impression of the live version.
Chapter 11 – Himeboshi
Oh, dear! My beloved “Himeboshi”! Trust me! The Kalafina singers give us a more perfect show! WAKANA is good for singing the single main melody, and her chording partner will be KEIKO definitely!
Chapter 12 – Mezame (awaking)
Yeah~! WAKANA makes me crazy! Why WAKANA and KEIKO didn’t sing in MY-HIME??? It’s an exciting, blood-boiling work (now it’s the crimson light)! YUKI-SAMA, please, re-mix the entire MY-HIME/OTOME vocal pieces for these singers! Besides, in the live, I find KAORI and KEIKO is vigor on her motions! But even only a little, I think WAKANA and YURIKO’s motions look funny? Oh, hold on! Why I come to pay attention on only the Kalafina duet? – They’re so charming! Ok, now, I’m catching with YURIKO and KAORI! Ps. The light effect here is marvelous!
Chapter 13 – you are my love
Here comes the special guest: Eri Itou. Today in the live, her voice isn’t as sweet as that in Tsubasa OST. There isn’t much difference between the two versions. For me, I prefer the live version. Oh! Eri is beautiful; I like her dress!
Chapter 14 – MC 3
It’s Yuki-Eri conversation. Praising/mocking (?) to each other about their music/singing (ah~~~ Yuki’s so shy~~~).
Chapter 15 – godsibb
Now it’s a quintet, a piece from Xenosaga III. Eri’s voice is wonderful (like WAKANA’s)! I also get the feeling in listening to the OSTs. The sound from guitar + violin is cool (till now I know what a e-guitar sounds like >_<)! The violet light is beautiful! But, really I want to know, how the singer can remember the strange lyrics so smoothly? @_@
Chapter 16 – a song of storm and fire
The orange light opens the grand chant. Like the original version, Eri performs so charming! And the other four singers can even beyond TOKYO KONSEI which choruses in the original version! I really like to find each part in a chorus sure enough! The videoing of this song is very, very good. I like the vista of the solo + quartet with YK band members!
Chapter 17 – MC 4
Front band member introductions:
Bass: Tomoharu “Jr”.Takahashi. a sun-glass man. He’s flying kisses! An erotic player~~~
Drums: Kyoichi Sato. Is he a prince?
Guitar: Kouichi Korenaga. He drives the singers crazy! ^-^
Violin: Hitoshi Konno, an erotic player. He looks cute. An interesting story: before the live, KEIKO tried to play “the world” on his violin, and he’s mocking her on it! Three irregular tones on violin.
Manipulator: YOSHIO OHIRA. An pure-looked old aged man (?). He’s in a place we can’t see, so Yuki asks him going out.
Chapter 18 – canta per me
Wow! The famous chant from noir! YURIKO takes the main melody of course! Beautiful! Later, KAORI joins into (they match to each other perfect). I love YURIKO, and her voice, and her song! There is no more complex arrangement, but the splendid violin. Drums are rhythmic; the song is clear as the original one.
Chapter 19 – salva nos
Hey, firstly WAKANA + YURIKO, and then KEIKO + KAORI, good! Yuki’s piano is free and emotional! WAKANA/YURIKO’s part is more like the original version, and KEIKO/KAORI’s is more like a re-mixed version. Oh! The song-pause (as well as the faint yellow light) is cool, just like the scenes in animation! Then violin plays a… cadenza? The last phrases is little different, and I very love such modification! The guitar gives a long show at the very ending, although I not very enjoy such noisy (?) sound, but he’s really cool in the live (all audiences calling “Kouichi”)!
Chapter 20 – zodiacal sign
Yuki calls out “one two three four”! Then the four singers, and Yuki herself, start to sing out the song together. Saramiya yaramiyai yenmaramiya yarenmarama; Saramiya yanrenramarama * 4~~~ Yuki ever mentioned the spell-like lyrics on her blog, oh, it’s here! “Aquarian Age.” I don’t enjoy the animation, but Yuki’s music is charming! The song is really a spell, my soul fall deeply in her melody! I enjoy these works and think they are composed for my own sign: Aquarius (so happy)! I rank this song at least in top 5 in the live.
Chapter 21 – open your heart
The last song in the live??? Oh, no! Before, I didn’t pay more attentions on the song, because, I think it doesn’t have the YK-style (?). However, the song in the live is not bad. I think I’ve come to love it. The violin is in a moderated speed. Again I find each part from the quartet (I confess I’ve been addict to such thing)! Ps. I love KAORI’s “open your heart.” Maybe she is good at singing some wild songs (rock’n’roll, but I don’t enjoy the genre)?
Chapter 22 – Encore!
Yuki and singers and other band members go off from the stage. Encore, encore, encore * …many many many times!
Chapter 23 – everlasting song
Finally, the familiar YK-tempo goes out. The ice-blue light turns on. YURIKO leads out another piece of sight-reading (still so familiar with one YK-song)! Soon others join into. Oh, they’re all in simple-designed “YK” T shirts, as well as the front band members, and Yuki herself! YURIKO’s hair and KEIKO’s skirt is cute! KEIKO sings out the famous “everlasting song – Japanese version.” A good encore beginning. Then WAKANA, YURIKO, and KAORI. I seldom hear that YURIKO sings in Japanese, except Gensou Rakuen ^-^. Again, the sight-reading melody! WAKANA’s high part and KEIKO’s low part are what I love best! Everyone’s happy, flying high into the eternity!
Chapter 24 – MC 5
“Thank you for your encore.” Talking about the YK-T shirt. And about the live: a happy time. And a short self-impressing about the next EC song.
Chapter 25 – yume no Tsubasa (the wing of dream)
The drums are full of spirits. KAORI leads out the song (I wished they would sing the English version). Yes, in the live, the quartet version is far better than Yui Makino version (I can’t accept Yui’s Lolita-type voice yet, especially in her songs)! Ah~ KAORI~~~ ah~ the “lalala” unison~~~ the encore climax!
Chapter 26 – ring your song
Eri comes again, sings the last encore song. The quintet is still charming. Their voices have blended into one, so silent, beautiful, and cherished. The real ending, everyone goes onto the stage, hand in hand,
Arigatou gozaimashita!